
/ubu Editions:
First Series
Second Series
Third Series
Publishing The Unpublishable

& Publishing The Unpublishable
Edited by Danny Snelson & Kenneth Goldsmith
Bruce Andrews Divestiture - A (1994)
Bruce Andrews WhDiP, a sequence from White Dialect Poetry 445pp (PDF, 825k)*
Bruce Andrews Libretto from White Dialect Poetry 166pp (PDF, 476k)*
Mary Jo Bang By M 4pp (PDF, 8.2mb)*
Erik Belgum
THE_CITY Battery: a Neurological Evaluation of THE_CITY 50pp (2009) [PDF, 344k]
Steve Benson The Ball // 30 Times in 2 Days (2005)
Caroline Bergvall Eclat
Charles Bernstein Three Poems 8pp (PDF, 230k)*
Maurice Blanchot The Last Man (1957)
Christian Bjoljahn & Martin Johs. Møller Flytning 137pp (2009) [PDF, 5.3mb]*
Christian Bök The Xenotext Experiment 11pp (PDF, 220k)*
Mairéad Byrne SOS Poetry (2007)
Mairéad Byrne Example As Figure 41pp (PDF, 452)*
Barbara Cole Situation Comedies: Foxy Moron
Jon Cotner & Andy Fitch from Conversations Over Stolen Food 66pp (PDF, 364k)*
Claude Closky Laying Down 15pp (PDF, 24k)*
Claude Closky Couché sur le ventre 15pp (PDF, 24k)*
Jean Day Linear C & The I and the You
Kevin Davies Pause Button
Brian J. Davis Voice Over 23pp (PDF, 212k)
Tim Davis Sweet Little Racist Landscape Suite 7pp (PDF, 12.4mb)*
Stephen DIrle Onan The Illierate 1080pp (PDF, 3.8mb)*
Jamba Dunn American Dust 124pp (PDF, 588k)*
Craig Dworkin Smokes
Craig Dworkin Maps 8pp (PDF, 156k)*
Deanna Ferguson Rough Bush and Other Poems
Deanna Ferguson The Relative Minor
Robert Fitterman This Window Makes Me Feel
Robert Fitterman Hi My Name Is: A Libretto 21pp (PDF, 120k)*
Richard Foreman Now That Communism is Dead My Life Feels Empty
Steve Giasson II 2493pp [PDF, 14.5mb]*
Kenneth Goldsmith All The Numbers From Numbers 22pp (PDF, 177k)*
Anna Gray & Ryan Wilson Paulsen One-Way Street: An Index 55pp (2009) [PDF, 312k]*
Jessica Grim Vexed
Dick Higgins Horizons (1984)
Toadex Hobgrammathon Name, A Novel
Tom Johnson The Voice of New Music (1972-1982) 294pp (PDF, 7.8mb)*
Robert Kelly Cruise of the Pnyx
Madelyn Kent São Paolo
George Kuchar The Kiss of Frankenstein 27pp (PDF, 296k)*
Aaron Kunin The Mauberley Series
Alan Licht Spring Without Alan Licht 20pp (PDF, 220k)*
Franck Leibovici "9+11" 136pp (2005) [PDF, 11.5mb]*
Ira Lightman Trancelated (from Coinsides)
Tan Lin BIB. 269pp (PDF, 956k)*
Peter Manson English in Mallarmé 88pp (PDF, 684k)*
Michel Melamed Regurgitofagia 18pp (PDF, 1mb)*
Nicholas Moore Spleen: Thirty-one versions of Baudelaire's Je suis comme le roi...
Gustave Morin Spaghetti Dreadful (trailer for A Penny Dreadful)
Simon Morris An Intolerable Piece of Writing: Pedagogy as Performed Absence 90pp (PDF, 396k)*
Bernard Nöel The Outrage Against Words (1978)
Eiríkur Örn Nordahl Hemd stafakarlanna, 1.hluti 2pp (PDF, 11.6mb)*
Doug Nufer Rumor 21pp (PDF, 244k)*
Hans Ulrich Obrist & Rirkrit Tiravanija
Hurricane 7pp (2008) [PDF, 212k]*
Mark Peters Men 205pp (PDF, 996k)
Larry Price Circadium
Stephen Ratcliffe Human / Nature 1003pp (PDF, 1.1mb)*
Stephen Ratcliffe Cloud / Ridge 479pp (PDF, 656k)*
Kimberly J. Rosenfield The Unsurpassed Joy 53pp (PDF, 272k)*
Carlos Rowles The History 218pp [PDF, 11mb]*
Raphael Rubinstein Through a Blue Field 10pp (PDF, 188k)*
Severo Sarduy Big Bang (1973)
Michael Scharf Vérité
Michael Scharf Selected Criticism, Jeffery Jullich 252pp (PDF, 2.3mb)*
Joachim Georg Schmitt ingredients 22pp [PDF, 280k]*
Martin Glaz Serup The Field 100pp [PDF, 296k]*
Lytle Shaw Low-Level Bureaucratic Structures / Principles of the Emeryville Shellmound
Ara Shirinyan Speech Genres 1-2 294pp (PDF, 7.8mb)*
Jeremy Sigler Math 34pp (PDF, 3mb)*
Ron Silliman The Chinese Notebook
Ron Sillman 2197
Ron Sillman Sunset Debris
Claude Simon Properties of Several Geometric or Non-Geometric Figures (1971)
Casey Smith Opulent Stone Mocassins 270pp [PDF, 1.2mb]*
Juliana Spahr Response
Mónica de la Torre Overkill: First English Poems (1993-1995) 16pp (PDF, 188k)*
Ryan Trecartin K-CoreaINC.K (Section A) 41pp (2009) [PDF, 184k]*
Rosemarie Waldrop Shorter American Memory (1988)
Hannah Weiner Little Books / Indians
Mac Wellman The Lesser Magoo
Darren Wershler-Henry The Tapeworm Foundry
Robert Wilson A Letter For Queen Victoria: An Opera (1974)
(* connotes that title is part of Publishing The Unpublishable Series)
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