
Guy de Cointet (1940-1983)

  1. TSNX/C24Va7ME: A Play by Dr. Hun, Act 1, Scene 5N6

    Broadcast on KPFK, Close Radio, November 15, 1976, 11 min. 25 sec.
    Excerpts from a play, including a monologue and a dialogue of sounds, numbers, and letters.

  2. Axtherastical
    Performed by Jaap Blonk on Flux de Bouche (1992)

Guy de Cointet was born in France, but settled in California in 1968. In the early seventies, he began presenting installations and performances in a number of galleries, including the Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art, Otis institute, the Whitney Museum, Franklin Furnace, and other venues.

De Cointet's works are texts broken down into their visual components. He was keenly aware of the imprecision of language, and intrigued by the ability of people to quickly gain meaning from ambiguous uses of language, open to many interpretations. Through his books, and printmaking projects, the artist attempted to transform the language experience into a visual experience. He also turned to performance as a way of presenting different relationships between the textual images. In 1974, de Cointet created a play, TSNX C24VA7ME, a play of Dr. Hun, which included props of license plates, phone numbers, movie ratings, and words.

Jaap Blonk in UbuWeb Sound