AGP 73 Richard Craig, Solo Flute

AGP 97 Donald Erb I

AGP 122 Donald Erb II

AGP 123 US Electronic Music IV: Columbia-Princeton

AGP 124 US Electronic Music V: Bulent Arel

AGP 125 More Francois Bayle

AGP 126 US Electronic Music VI: Charles Dodge

AGP 128 US Electronic Music VII

AGP 129 US Electronic Music VIII - Dartmouth Competition

AGP 130 US Electronic Music IX

AGP 131 Spanish Vocal Music

AGP 132 Werner Heider I

AGP 133 Werner Heider, Hans Zender

AGP 134 Henry Kaiser, It's a Wonderful Life

AGP 135 Charles Chaynes, Vocal Music

AGP 136 Charles Chaynes, Instrumental Music

AGP 137 Charles Chaynes, Erzsebet (opera)

AGP 138 Ulpiu Vlad I

AGP 139 Francois Bayle - Grande Polyphonie, 24-bit

AGP 140 Bernard Parmegiani - De Natura Sonorum, 24-bit>

AGP 141-144 ReR Quarterly, volume 1

AGP 146 Zdzislaw Piernik I, tuba (!)

AGP 147 Zdzislaw Piernik II, tuba (!)

AGP 148 Ivo Malec I - Triola, Bizarra

AGP 149 Igor Stravinsky - Symphony of Psalms, Canticum Sacrum

AGP 150 Arnold Schoenberg - String Trio, op. 45

AGP 151 Alban Berg

AGP 152-153 Paul Hindemith - Die Sieben Kammermusiken

AGP 154 Vienna Wind Soloists

AGP 157 Andrew Rubin - Tragoedia

AGP 163 Luciano Berio - Sinfonia, New 24-bit transcription

AGP 164 Roland Kayn - simultan, 24-bit transcription

AGP 167 Carl Ruggles - Complete Works

AGP 168 Witold Lutoslawski - Preludes and Fugue for 13 Strings

AGP 169 Greg Goodman - The Construction of Ruins

AGP 170-171 Ivo Malec II and III

AGP 172-173 Spectrum: New American Music

AGP 174 Ezra Sims - Microtonal Music

AGP 175 Arnold Schoenberg - Pierrot Lunaire and Chamber Symphony

AGP 176 Les Ondes Martenot

AGP 177 Music for Ondes Martenot

AGP 178 Inuit Throat and Harp Songs

AGP 179 Josef Matthias Hauer, Atonale Music op. 20

AGP 180 International Week of New Music, Bucharest, Romania, May 23-30, 1991


The Avant Garde Project is a series of recordings of 20th-century classical, experimental, and electroacoustic music digitized from LPs whose music has in most cases never been released on CD, and so is effectively inaccessible to the vast majority of music listeners today.

With few exceptions, the LPs transcribed for the Avant Garde Project are in excellent condition and have low levels of surface noise resulting from the manufacturing process. The analog rig used for the Avant Garde Project introduces almost none of the tracking distortion that normally produces a flat, harsh sound in LP transcriptions. As a result, instruments and voices sound more realistic and detailed, and there is more of a sense of acoustic space in the recordings.