
Various Artists

Les Concerts du Domaine Musical

  1. Pierre Boulez - Structures (14:18)
  2. Henri Pousseur - Mobile (10:10)
  3. Mauricio Kagel - Sextuor a Cordes (7:25)
  4. Karlheinz Stockhausen - Klavierstück 6 (17:07))

    72 - VA - Les Concerts du Domaine Musical - 1956 - Vega C 30 A 278

    Le Domaine Musical was a concert society established by Pierre Boulez in Paris, which was active from 1954 to 1973. Boulez intended to provide opportunities for new music, after a general musical migration from Germany and Austria to Paris in the wake of those countries' legacy of war-torn decades without music. Le Domaine Musical created an exciting milieu in which the best and most innovative in music and other arts could congregate: it was a springboard for creativity, stimulating new ideas and alliances. Jean Cocteau attended the first concert, resplendent in flowing cape. Through these circles musicians and composers like Carter, Stockhausen, Berio, Messiaen, Nono, Webern, Cage, and Varèse came together. Le Domaine Musical gave rise to a seminal phase in the growth of post-war music. Its importance can't be overestimated. Les Concerts du Domaine Musical 1956 includes compositions by Webern, Nono, Stockhausen, and Boulez, with a vocal performance from Jeanne Héricard.

This recording is part of the Wolf Fifth Archive
This UbuWeb resource is edited by Justin Lacko.