Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten
July 2015
Robert Reginio

1. Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco, Richard Hulsenbeck: L'amiral Cherche Une Maison à Louer
2. Joseph Cornell: By Night With Torch and Spear
3. Jack MacGowran Speaking Beckett
4. Cornelius Cardew: The Great Learning
5. David Wojnarowicz: ITSOFOMO
6. Marcel Broodthaers: Un Voyage en Mer du Nord (A Voyage on the North Sea)
7. Tacita Dean Berlin Project
8. Bruce Andrews: Reading Language Reading Gertrude Stein
9. Trinh T. Minh-ha: Shoot for the Contents
10. Rosemarie Waldrop: shorter american memory
11. Hollis Frampton: Nostalgia

Robert Reginio is an Associate Professor of English at Alfred University and is the editor of Samuel Beckett and Contemporary Art.