abstract recordings images transcript about


The Western Round Table on Modern Art (1949)
The Wire Recordings


Transcripts from proceedings note 9 hours of audio recorded to wire. 7.5 hours is available here in both streaming audio and mp3 format. The remaining 1.5 hours, largely from the 3rd and 4th sessions, is still missing.

The recordings, as they exist here, have been transferred from cassette tapes. Duration of each track and track number has been determined by cassettes: 9 tapes / 18 sides total.



01 Friday Afternoon August, 8, 1949, 34:57 minutes.
02 Friday Afternoon August, 8, 1949, 34:13 minutes.
03 Friday Afternoon August, 8, 1949, 22:40 minutes.
04 Friday Afternoon August, 8, 1949, 18:00 minutes.

05 Friday Evening August, 8, 1949, 30:07 minutes.
06 Friday Evening August, 8, 1949, 30:54 minutes.
07 Friday Evening August, 8, 1949, 07:54 minutes.
08 Friday Evening August, 8, 1949, 32:04 minutes.

09 Saturday August, 9, 1949, 22:55 minutes.
10 Saturday August, 9, 1949, 29:01 minutes.
11 Saturday August, 9, 1949, 28:53 minutes.
12 Saturday August, 9, 1949, 30:30 minutes.
13 Saturday August, 9, 1949, 16:28 minutes.

14 Sunday August, 10, 1949, 30:42 minutes.
15 Sunday August, 10, 1949, 01:18 minutes.
16 Sunday August, 10, 1949, 33:16 minutes.
17 Sunday August, 10, 1949, 01:08 minutes.
18 Sunday August, 10, 1949, 12:16 minutes.



(Note: Composer, Arnold Schönberg, was schedualed to attend the Round Table but could not make it due to health issues. He prepared a statement to be read 'On the Right of the Artist to Deviate From Nature.' It is available in both audio and transcript form here: To the San Francisco Round Table on Modern Art.)




Contact: wrtma@ubu.com.
Curated/adapted for web by Colby Ford. More by him here.
All copyrights are the property of their respective owners.