Christiane Guymer (1927-2017)
Le Temoin Ou La Divine Esperance aka The Witness or Timid Expectations (1984)
The film is a ciselant* ";Lettriste"; film, i.e. one in which the image, accelerated in the editing, out of synch with the sound, has itself been ";ciselé* (* ciseler, whose literal meaning in in English is ";chisel, chase (as in metal), polish"; was appropriated by the Lettristes to indicate the direct assault on the filmstock e.g. scratching, tearing) by drawing on the symbolic views, abstract motifs, that enhance the meaning of the image.

In these tranquil images of a happy life, the filmmaker evokes her position as a witness"; to the Lettriste Movement which revealed CREATION as a central value to a new philosophical system. A privileged witness of multi-form creations from one of the major creative figures of the movement, she emphasises the creative ethic and the humility which are necessary for the witness to join these creators, deliberately neglected by the French media, and to leave a trace on ";the world of silence"; imposed on contemporary artists.

Le «narrateur» de ces images pacifiques, gaies, d'une vie heureuse évoque sa place de «témoin» des difficultés du mouvement lettriste pour construire un monde de plus de richesses et de plus de bonheur.