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  April 1968 advertisement  

4 films+5 records+1 sculpture

Aspen is the multi-media magazine. It comes in a box which means we can put in all sorts and sizes of things. Aspen's articles use the medium most appropriate to the subject matter — whether it be a wall poster or LP record or deck of cards. For example, our current issue is the first magazine to contain film. And what films! Four art classics by Hans Richter, Moholy-Nagy, Robert Morris/Stan VanDerBeek, and Robert Rauschenberg. It also has 5 records with some of the most memorable names in art and literature making special recordings of their work just for us. Marcel Duchamp and Richard Huelsenbeck reading their early Dada writings (the first time they've been recorded), Naum Gabo reading his Realistic Manifesto, plus William

+13 articles=aspen magazine

Burroughs, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Samuel Beckett and Merce Cunningham in a valuable collection of "oral history" available only in Aspen. You'll also find new recordings of John Cage's "Fontana Mix" and Morton Feldman's "King of Denmark," plus the scores so you can see that the music looks as wondrous as it sounds. Tony Smith gave us his drawings for his 4-piece sculpture "The Maze" plus 8 cardboard modules so you can construct your own version at home. In print, there are essays by Roland Barthes, George Kubler and Susan Sontag... poetry by Michel Butor and Dan Graham... special projects by Sol LeWitt, Mel Bochner, Douglas MacAgy and Brian O'Doherty, guest editor-designer of the issue. It's an incredible galaxy!


Aspen is about excellence in any field. It brings you new ideas in new formats. Each issue is built around a different theme by a different editorial-design team (the best that we can find). So the content and format change radically each issue.

For example, Andy Warhol put our Pop/Underground issue in a Fab box. Then filled it with an underground movie flip book; a postcard kit of new paintings; a rock & roll "press kit"; the first, last and only edition of the Plastic Exploding Inevitable underground newspaper.

In contrast, our next issue on Far Eastern Thought will be brimful with five rolled scrolls: a Kuo Hsi landscape (Sung dynasty, 11th century)... a calligraphy scroll from the Palace Museum on Taiwan... a Ch'an masterpiece by Yu-Chien... a yard-long frieze of Indian temple sculpture... a Tibetan thanka.

There'll also be miniature screens from the Shoko Zen Temple in Kyoto... Rajput miniatures from India... Zen parable cards... even a dragon kite. All scented with incense. It's the issue you'll hang all over the house.

By unbinding our magazine, letting it run free in its box, there's no end to our three-dimensional ideas. in short, you don't simply read Aspen... you hear it, hang it, feel it, fly it, even sniff it!

Would you like to see what Aspen is like? We have a tempting subscription rate to help you find out. Aspen is published four times a year at $4 per issue (our current issue, Aspen 5+6, being a double issue, is $8). But try Aspen on our money-saving subscription offer-and pay just $10.95 for one year. You may pay later if you prefer. But if you send payment. with your order, saving us bookkeeping and billing costs, we'll reward you with a free gift — a small surprise that will be a delightful preview of Aspen itself. You may cancel at any time and pay only for the issues mailed. But to be sure you'll receive Aspen 5+6, a phenomenal collector's item and conversation piece, mail the coupon today. Then start planning your first Aspen Box Party.

P.O. Box 205 Village Station
New York, N.Y. 10014

Aspen sounds great. Send me one year for just $10.95 — a $5.05 saving over the regular single copy price of $16.
I want to take advantage of your subscription rate for two years. Send me 8 issues for $19.95.
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from Evergreen Review no. 53, April 1968



Adapted for the web by Andrew Stafford.
All copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
