Visual Poetry

Adriano Spatola

Zeroglyphics [PDF, 16.4mb] 1977.

Adriano Spatola [b. Yugoslavia/Italy] 1941-1988. Born in Sapjane (formerly Yugoslavia) in 1941, Adriana Spatola was one of the major contemporary Italian poets. Early in his career, Spatola served on the editorial board of the journal Quindici before he and Giulia Niccolai founded the poetry magazine and press, Tam Tam. Spatola's first books of poetry, L'ebreo negro and Majakovskiiiiiiij both raised the battle cry for a new kind poetry. And for the rest of his life, the poet devoted himself to numerous poetic and literary activities, including writing essays, a novel (recently translated as The Porthole, Otis Books/Seismicity Editions), and study of sound, visual, and concrete poetry, Verso la poesia totale. With his friend and translator Paul Vangelisti, Spatola edited a 1982 anthology Italian Poetry 1960-1970: From Neo to Post-Avantgarde. Spatola died at Saint' Ilario, near Parma in 1988.