Visual Poetry

Clemente Padin

LatinoAmerican Experimental Poetry [23.3mb, PDF], 1990.

The Mail Art Interview with Clemente Padin [30.8mb, PDF], 1995.

Clemente Padin's experiences in Mail Art date from 1967 when Edgardo Antonio Vigo, GuillermoDeisler, Dámaso Ogaz and Padin exchanged publications: Diagonal Cero (Diagonal Zero), Ediciones Mimbre (Osier Editions), La Pata de Palo (leg of Wood) and Los Huevos del Plata (The Eggs of Silver). Padin officially began creating Mail Art in 1969 when the Uruguayan magazine OVUM 10 published his postcards and visual poems. In 1974, during the Uruguayan military dictatorship, he organized the First Latinoamerican Mail Art Exposition at Galeria U, in Montevideo, Uruguay. Padin's edition of apocryphal mail art stamps denounced the dictatorial regime for its brutal suppression of human rights and led to his incarceration from August, 1977 to November, 1979. In October, 1983 he resumed his artistic activities with the "1st. of May" Exhibition at the Association of Banking Employees of Uruguay. Since then, Padin has participated in hundreds of Mail Art Shows throughout the world exhibiting poetry, performances and video art.

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