Visual Poetry

Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts (1962-1965)

Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts was an absolutely vital literary magazine founded in 1962 by the poet Ed Sanders and published from a “secret location on the Lower East Side” of New York City. Probably the most important mimeo revolution publication. Sanders’ Peace Eye Bookstore was raided by police on January 1, 1966 and Saunders was charged with obscenity in no small part due to the contents of Fuck You. Notoriety generated by the case led to his appearance on the February 17, 1967 cover of Life Magazine, which proclaimed him "a leader of New York's Other Culture."

No.1 [PDF, 4.6mb]

Includes work by Jean Moron, Allen Hoffman, Paul Berner, Nelson Barr and the editor.

No.2 [PDF, 6.7mb]

Includes work by Margaret X, Eric Weinberger, Bob Gore, Jim Forest, Nelson Barr and the editor.

No.3 [PDF, 6mb]

Includes work by Penny X, Al Fowler, Bob K, Nelson Barr, John Harriman, Tuli Kupferberg and the editor.

No.4 [PDF, 7.8mb]

Includes work by Eric Weinberger, Carol Berge, Michael McClure, Taylor Mead, C.V.L. Anderson, John Weiners, Ray Bremser and the editor.

Vol.5 No.1 [PDF, 6.4mb]

Includes work by Charles Olson, Lenore Kandel, Al Fowler, Barbara Moraff, J. Mark Samara, Ed Matshall, Bonnie Bremser, Millard Friedman, Ron Rice, Charles Polanvik, Joel Oppenheimer, John Keys, Kirby Congdon, John Thomas, Mary Mayo, Nelson Barr and the editor.

Vol.5 No.2 [PDF, 10.4mb]

Includes work by John Weiners, Tuli Kupferberg, Carol Berge, Taylor Mead, Paul Blackburn, Barry Wallenstein, David Rattray, Ray Bremser, John Keys, Hank Dixon, Elin Paulson, Pasquale Cocco, Jackson Mac Low, Bob K, Nelson Barr, Al Fowler and the editor.

Vol.5 No.3 [PDF, 8.9mb]

Includes work by Lenore Kandel, Rochelle Owens, Peter Orlovsky, Jean Forest, Marc Samara, Carol Berge, Ray Bremser, Joel Oppenheimer, Bob Kaye, J. Socin, Al Katzman, John Thomas, Barbara Moraff, Nancy Ellison, John Keys, Martin Segal, Taylor Mead, Jackson Mac Low, Szabo, Nelson Barr and the editor.

Vol.5 No.4 [PDF, 8.7mb]

Includes work by Szabo, Lenore Kandel, Philip Whalen, Paul Blackburn, Joel Oppenheimer, John Harriman, Barbara Moraff, George Economou, Carol Berge, Harry Fainlight, Rochelle Owens, George Montgomery, Andrew Hoyem, Al Fowler, Ed Sanders, Michael McClure and the editor.

Vol.5 No.5 [PDF, 13.1mb]

Includes work by Allen Ginsberg, Robert Kaye, Tuli Kupferberg, Robert Nichols, John Keys, Herbert Huncke, Peter Orlovsky, Diane Wakoski, Jim Standish, Lenore Kandel, Mary Mayo, Julian Beck, Harry Fainlight, Nelson Barr and the editor.

Vol.5 No.6 [PDF, 13.4mb]

Includes work by Allen Ginsberg, Robert Kaye, Tuli Kupferberg, Robert Nichols, John Keys, Herbert Huncke, Peter Orlovsky, Diane Wakoski, Jim Standish, Lenore Kandel, Mary Mayo, Julian Beck, Harry Fainlight, Nelson Barr and the editor.

Vol.5 No.7 [PDF, 18.1mb]

Includes work by Norman Mailer, Paul Blackburn, Al Fowler, Antonin Artaud, Philip Lamantia, Arnault Daniel, Alden Van Buskirk and the editor.

Vol.5 No.8 [PDF, 16.2mb]

Includes work by A.Fowler, T.Berrigan, C.Pelieu, A. Ginsberg, L. Jones, L. Ferlinghetti, M.McClure, W.H.Auden, G.Corso, V.Ferrini, G.Malanga, J. Putnam, J.Keys, P.Orlovsky, C.Berge, A.Katzman, N.Ellison, B.Kaye, N.Barr, B.Fritsch, H.Fainlight and the editor. Cover by Andy Warhol.

Vol.5 No.9 [PDF, 11.5mb]

Includes work by Joe Brainard, Pindar, Tom Veitch, Harry Fainlight, Gilbert Sorrentino, John Weiners, Van Buskirk, Szabo, Taylor Mead, Robert Kelly, Lenore Kandel, Al Fowler, Janine Pommey, Ted Berrigan, David Henderson and the editor.