Visual Poetry

The Cosmic Chef

bpNichol, ed.

The Cosmic Chef: An Evening of Concrete [PDF, 59mb], 1970.

The Cosmic Chef was one of four volumes for which editor bpNichol received Canada's prestigious Governor-General's Award for Poetry in 1971. This volume, the first of its kind in Canada included “borderblur” poems from Margaret Avison, David Aylward, Nelson Ball, Earle Birney, bill bissett, George Bowering, Hart Broudy, Jim Brown, Barbara Caruso, Victor Coleman, John Robert Columbo, Judith Copithorne, Greg Curnoe, Gerry Gilbert, Lionel Kearns, Martina Clinton, Seymour Mayne, Steve McCaffery, David McFadden, bpNichol, djNichol, Jerry Ofo, Sean O'Huigin, Michael Ondaatje, John Riddell, Stephen Scobie, rahSmith, Peter Stevens, Andrew Suknaski, David UU, Ed Varney and Phyllis Webb.

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