Visual Poetry

Between Painting and Poetry

Between Painting and Poetry [160.8mb, PDF] 1965.

Exhibited at The Institute of Contemporary Arts, London Oct 22 – Nov 27, 1965, Between Painting and Poetry was an early example of a gallery engagement with visual poetry. The exhibition catalogue includes work by Lewis Carroll, Stephane Mallarme, Paul Scheerbart, Guillaume Apollinaire, Ardengo Soffici, Richard Huelsenbeck, Marcel Janco, Tristan Tzara, Theo van Doesburg, Marinetti, Man Ray, e.e.cummings, Pierre Albert-Birot, Thomas Bayrle & Bernhard Jager, Claus Bremer, Henri Chopin, Bob Cobbing, Kenelm Cox, Rolf Gunter Dienst, Tom Edmonds, Reinhard Dohl, Ian Hamilton Finlay, John Furnival, Heinz Gappmayr, P.A. Gette, Eugen Gomringer, Bernard Heidsieck, Raoul Hausmann, Dom Sylvester Houedard, Ernst Jandl, Jiri Kolar, Thomas Kabdebo, John Latham, Roberto Altmann, Isidore Isou, Gio Minola, Jacques Spacagna, Roland Sabatier, Hansjorg Mayer, Franz Mon, Edwin Morgan, Pedro Xisto, Haroldo de Campos, Porto Ragazzi, Gerhard Ruhm, Hans Staudacher, biographical sketches and statements by the contributors and writing by curator Jasia Reichardt.

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