Visual Poetry

Erica Baum

Study [PDF, 64.6mb] 2011.

Erica Baum lives and works in New York. She has had solo exhibitions at Bureau, New York; Lüttgenmeijer, Berlin; and Circuit, Lausanne. Past group exhibitions include "Subject, Index," at Malmö Konstmuseum, Sweden. Her work will be included in the upcoming group exhibition "Postscript: Writing after Conceptual Art," at the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, and the 2012 São Paulo Bienal. Her work was included in the book Vitamin Ph: New Perspectives in Photography, edited by T. J. Demos (Phaidon Press, 2006). Her artist's books include Dog Ear (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2011), with essays by Kenneth Goldsmith and Beatrice Gross, Sightings (onestar press, 2011), and Bbabaubaumbaudevin (Regency Arts Press, 2012).

The Melody Indicator is available online, in issue 16 of triplecanopy.