Visual Poetry

Shaunt Basmajian

3 Poems [PDF, 4.9mb] nd.
The Resurrection of the Third Happening [PDF 6.1mb] 1976.
Source Poem [PDF, 6.9mb] 1978.
Boundaries Limits and Space [PDF, 16.2mb] 1980.

Shaunt Basmajian (1940-1990) was an Lebanese-Canadian poet and co-founder of Old Nun Publications. His work appeared consistently through the late 1960s until his death in 1990. The Canadian Poetry Association honoured Basmajian's memory with the Shuant Basmajian Chapbook Award from 1997 to 2008. His Boundaries Limits and Space was originally published by the Toronto small press Underwhich Editions in 1980 and is a gathering of classically-informed minimal concrete poetry.

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