
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)

Frank Lloyd Wright Speaks

  1. The Legacy 1:46
  2. On Being A Radical 6:08
  3. The Mile-High Skyscraper (1957) 2:09
  4. The Mile-High Skyscraper (1956) 1:55
  5. The Guggenheim 2:54
  6. Architecture And Civilization 3:46
  7. The Johnson Administration Building 2:48
  8. Fallingwater (Also Called Bear Run House) 1:40
  9. Organic Architecture 3:42
  10. Architecture And Education 4:49
  11. Taliesin 3:45
  12. Architectural Freedom 6:05
  13. Japan As Inspiration 5:29
  14. Nature And Religion 4:08
  15. Why Organic Architecture 3:14
  16. Organic Vs. Conventional Architecture 1:49
  17. The Influence Of The Adler & Sullivan Firm 2:13

Excerpts from Wright’s weekly addresses at his architectural compound, as well as television interviews.

Excerpts from interviews with Frank Lloyd Wright, lectures, and talks to the Taliesin Fellowship.