
Tellus #4 (1984)

  1. Julius Eastman: Touch Him When (9:20)

    A piano four hands composition played by the composer and Steve Marrow

  2. David Weinstein: Maintenance of Way (8:35)

    1984. Prepared electric piano in just intonation.

  3. Michael Byron: Starfields (7:11)

    1973. Piano four hands. Pianists: David Rosenboom and Casey Sokol.

  4. Paul Dresher. Pygmy Vocal Music (3:15)

    An excerpt from are,are, a music theater work created by the George Coates Performance Works 1982-83. Tenors: John Duykers and Rinde Eckert.

  5. Carol Parkinson: The Landlords Visit (11:02)

    Solo piano. Excerpt from Pitman, the Landlord. 1984. Recorded by Jeff McGovern.

  6. Ellen Fullman: Longitudinal Vibration (4:05)

    A musical instrument composed of 50 foot wires coupled to a plywood box resonator. Played by the composer and David Weinstein. Recorded on June 17, 1984.

  7. John Morton: River Weeds (8:49)

    1980. Piano four hands played by John Morton and Shelley Robbins. Recorded at Roulette 1981.

Edited for UbuWeb by Steve McLaughlin


Tellus is a subscription only, bi-monthly publication. To subscribe for one year (6 issues) send $35.00 ($45.00 foreign) to TELLUS, 143 Ludlow Street #14, New York, NY 10002.

Copyright 1984. All rights revert to the individual artists. Submissions must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Cover drawing: Joseph Nechvatal
Dolby/Chromium Dioxide tape
Publishers/Editors: Claudia Gould, Joseph Nechvatal, Carol Parkinson Thanks to PASS for studio time and more, to Bob Bielecki for engineering, and the artists for their work.