
Tellus #2 (1984)

  1. Kiki Smith: Life Wants to Live (1:33)
    Excerpt from Life Wants to Live, a sound installation at the Kitchen in December 1983.

  2. John Fekner: Rock Steady (3:30)
    Words and Music by John Fekner 1983 Vocals: Dave Santaniello, Drums: Robert Morales.

  3. Vernita Nemec: Private Places (0:37)
    An excerpt from an installation for The Second Coming, a show by Carnival Knowledge at Franklin Furnace.

  4. The Scene Is Now: Bugged, Wigged Out (3:13)
    Hello from Jeff McGovern, Chris Nelson, Philip Dray and Dick Champ.

  5. Tony Papa: Water Works (4:41)
    (theme) Part of a series of 10 theme songs available from the artist.

  6. Cardboard Air Band: Little Rabbit (2:20)
    by Kiki Smith.

  7. Peter Nechvatal: Electro-pop from Neo-Mud in Chicago (1:27)

  8. Charlie Morrow: Old man Beavers Digitized Blessing (0:42)
    Text and voice: Jerome Rothenberg, concept performance and mixing: C. Morrow, Christie Wells: Synclavier II. Copyright 1983 Othermedia N.Y. (ASCAP).

  9. Alex Noyes: Because One is Always Forgotten (excerpt) (3:20)
    Text by Carolyn Forshe from the book The Country is Always Forgotten Voice: Eileen Hawes.

  10. Ikkoh Mine: AWA - Dance (3:10)
    Percussion, synthesizer and vocals.

  11. David Rosenbloom: Flowers (excerpt from Departure) (3:47)
    Premier performance at St. Peter's Church with the Experimental Chorus and Orchestra 1982.

  12. Carol Parkinson: Ramp (1:25)
    Muititrack acoustic piano, electric organs and autoharp.

  13. David Garland: No More Misty Night Sky... (2:36)
    A piece for Fairlight CMI. Composed/programmed June 1983 at Wendelstein Studio, Miesbach, W. Germany: recorded at PASS, NYC.

  14. John Fekner: "2-4-5-7-9-11" (3:37)
    by City Squad, Vocals: Bear 167, Sandra Seymour and John Fekner, Keyboard & DMX drums: John Fekner, Arp Quartette: Paul Sottnik, Bass: Steve Gives

  15. Mitch Corber: Budge, Budge, Budge the Budget (1:13)
    An endless 20 sec. loop heard echoing through the Presidential Portrait Gallery at the Ritz, Washington D.C. March 1983.

  16. Jamie Daglish and George Elliot: In the 80's (4:14)
    George Elliot: vocals, part one, and all instruments. Jamie Dalglish: vocals, part two

  17. Dr. Telecom: Phone is My Clone (4:10)
    Willoughby Sharp, Susan Britton, Robert Stewart. Verge Piersol. © 1981, A Sharpcom Production.

  18. Charlie Noyes: One Cymbal (excerpt) (1:46)
    Processed 20" Abex flat ride cymbal, played by Charles K. Noyes: engineering and treatments by Steve McAllister and ME. Miller, recorded Jan. 14, 1984 at Boy's Club Annex, NYC.

  19. Holly Huges, Sally A. White, Maureen Angelos, Jill Kirschen and Janee Pipik: Art Mart (excerpt from The Well of Horniness) (1:07)

  20. Ron Kuivala: TI Intends... (to enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent permitted by law) (7:36)
    The piece was an attempt to display and analyze the disembodied corporate imagination that devised the Military and Time/Weather vocabularies.

Edited for UbuWeb by Steve McLaughlin

Tellus is a subscription only, bimonthly publication. To subscribe for one year (6 issues) send $30.00 ($40.00 foreign) to TELLUS, 143 Ludlow St. #14 NYC 70002

This project was in part supported by The Committee for the Visual Arts. Thanks to PASS for studio time, Gerald Lindahl for engineering and all the artists for their material.

Copyright 1984. All rights revert to the individual artists. Submissions must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Cover Drawing: Jane Dickson

Dolby/Chromium Dioxide Tape

Publishers/Editors: Claudia Gould, Joseph Nechvatal, Carol Parkinson

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