
Tellus #18: Experimental Theater (1987)

  1. Spalding Gray: Excerpt from "Sex and Death to the Age 14" (12:19)
    Random House Audiobooks.

  2. Vulcan Death Grip with Ann Magnuson: Get It Up or Get Out (2:59)
    Ann Magnuson: vocals, Rudi Protrudi: Guitar, Randy Pratt: bass. Marco Secolli: drums. 1986. Produced and Engineered by Kramer at Noise N.Y. during autumn, 1985.

  3. Mike Kelley with Sonic Youth: Excerpt from "Plato's Cave, Rothko's Chapel, Lincoln's Profile" (13:12)
    Performed live at Artist's Space, December 5, 1986 with Molly Cleator and Adam Rudolf. Recorded by C. Parkinson.

  4. Jerri Allyn: Queer Revolution (9:06)
    1984. Performed and written by Jerri Allyn. Recorded and mixed at Studio PASS, 1987.

  5. Ann Magnuson: Arachnae X. Pudenda (5:14)
    Copyright 1987. Engineered by Carol Parkinson, recorded at Studio PASS, mixed by Ann Magnuson. Special thanks to Jackson Morton.

  6. Lydia Lunch: The Cancer Has Finally Become Contagious (13:47)

Dedicated to the memory of Charles Ludlam, The Ridiculous Theatrical Company.

Editors for the issue: Claudia Gould and Carol Parkinson.

Special thanks to the artists of Experimental Theater for making this issue possible, and to Lynda Sheldon of Random House, Inc.

TELLUS is a subscription publication. To suscribe for one year (6 issues) send $35.00 ($45.00 foreign) $7.00 single issue ($9.00 foreign) to: TELLUS, c/o Harvestworks Inc. 596 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10012.
This project is supported in part by the New York State Council on the Arts, The National Endowment for the Arts and Art Matters.
Engineered by Carol Parkinson at Studio PASS, NYC.
Cover: Mike Kelley
Copyright 1987. All rights revert to the individual artists.
Submissions must be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope.
Publishers/Editors: Claudia Gould, Joseph Nechvatal, Carol Parkinson.
Assistant Editor: Debbie McBride.
Assistant: Alex Gardner
Editors for this issue: Claudia Gould and Carol Parkinson
Dolby B/Eq Normal

High Performance: 240 South Broadway, 5th Floor, Los Angeles, Ca 90012.
Subscription: $20.00/4 issues.
Semlotext(e): 522 Philosophy Hall, Columbia University, NY. NY 10027.
Subscription: $12.00/3 issues.
New Observations: 142 Greene St., NYC 10012. Subscription: 10 issues/$22.00.


Edited for UbuWeb by Steve McLaughlin
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