
Simon Strong

Simon Strong reads selections from 'Rape vs. Murder' by #579

  1. Introduction 0.41
  2. Chapter 1 - The Enormous Flesh (i) 4.37
  3. Chapter 1 - The Enormous Flesh (ii) 7.46
  4. Chapter 1 - The Enormous Flesh (iii) 8.37
  5. Chapter 6 - The Woman and the Unnameable 11.09
  6. Chapter 7 - The Fetish Follies 7.52
  7. Chapter 8 - The American Sextet 13.37

Rape vs. Murder [149pp, PDF, 585k]
Rape vs. Murder Cover [PDF, 1.1mb]

Recorded by Sonke Rickertsen, 6 November 2010
Incidental music by Sonke Rickertsen.

Creative Commons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA""Deep beneath the Australian desert lies a sex research institute so secret that it doesn't even exist. Dusty banks of computers have ground away for decades to produce the optimal Dirty Book; its contents so far out that it could not possibly be generated by human hands, brains or genitals.

Filthier than Henry Miller, funnier than Georges Bataille, and not nearly as boring as anything by the Marquis de Sade (except the De Sade bit), this book will arouse much more than your curiosity as it gleefully smashes the ultimate taboo of erotic literature - coherence.

And if the emperor has no clothes, it only means that he can get himself on the job that much quicker.

Simon Strong in UbuWeb Film