
Sexing Sound: Aural Archives and Feminist Scores

  1. Kathy Acker, I Was Walking Down the Street, 1980
  2. Laurie Anderson and Julie Heyward, Song from America on the Move, 1979
  3. Ida Applebroog, “Really, Is That a Fact?” 1982
  4. Delia Derbyshire, “John Peel Presents Top Gear,” 1969
  5. Disband, “The Sad Song,” From Tellus #3, 1984
  6. Maja Jantar & Jelle Meander, “Spiegel van Alles I,” Live in Geneva & Brussels
  7. Alison Knowles, “Nivea Cream,” 1962
  8. Language Removal Services, “Marilyn Monroe”
  9. Louise Lawler, “Birdcalls,” 1972
  10. Liliput, “Split,” 1980
  11. Kalup Linzy, “Chewing Gum (Remix)”, 2009
  12. Annea Lockwood, “Tiger Balm,” 1970
  13. Lydia Lunch, “What It Is,” From "Better An Old Demon Than A New God," Dial-a-Poem
  14. Meredith Monk, “Boys,” 2000
  15. Bruce Nauman, “Good Boy Bad Boy – Jean,” 1985
  16. Pauline Oliveros, “Alien Bog,” 1967
  17. Daphne Oram, “Electronic Sound Patterns, Melodic Group Shapes 1,” 1962
  18. People Like Us, “Reworking Daphne Oram, Daphne Speaks,” 2008
  19. Raincoats, “In Love,” 1979
  20. Marina Rosenfeld, “Emotional Orchestra,” 2005
  21. Stereolab, for Charles Long, “How to Play Your Internal Organs Overnight,” 1995

James Gallery, The Graduate Center, CUNY (February 6- March 8, 2014) curated by Katherine Carl, Valerie Tevere and Siona Wilson.

Playlist curated by Andrew Cappetta, Meredith Mowder, and Lauren Rosati.

This playlist, prepared to accompany the exhibition "Sexing Sound: Aural Archives and Feminist Scores," includes experimental music, sound art works, and a few rock songs culled from the UbuWeb archive. The selected works center on the dual themes of "the voice" and "electronics," incorporating humorous plays on gender roles, feminist anthems, and experimentation with synths and early computers. The playlist includes pieces produced by contemporary artists, pioneering electronic musicians, poets, punk bands and vocal artists. Playlist curated by Andrew Cappetta, Meredith Mowder, and Lauren Rosati.