
Jerome Rothenberg (b. 1931)

That Dada Strain

1. Karawane (1:48)

2. A Glass Tube Ecsatcy (2:27)

3. London Onion (1:44)

4. The Holy Words of Tristan Tzara (9:11)

5. Y-V (After Tristan Tzara) (2:01)

Poland 1931

1. The Wedding (3:45)

2. The King of the Jews (1:18)

3. The Beadle's Testimony (1:49)

4. The Rabbi's Testimony (1:51)

5. The 7 Melodies of Esther K. (4:04)

6. Esther K. Comes to America (4:43)

The Horse Songs of Frank Mitchell

1. Side A (27:00)

2. Side B (15:00)

University of California, San Diego, c. 1993
1. "Why was it the apple and not the pomegranate?" (0:35): MP3
2. About Lorca Variations (0:44): MP3
3. From Lorca Variations (5:24): MP3
4. Old Man Beaver's Blessing Song (2:12): MP3
Complete Reading (9:50): MP3

Reading selections from Poems for the Millennium with Pierre Joris at the Kelly Writers House, 1998

Radio Readings Project (April 24, 1999):
1. A Paradise of Poets (1:45)
2. At Tsukiji Market, Tokyo October 19, 1996 (8:40)
3. Three Paris Elegies (7:40)
4. New Improvisations (9:32)
5. Anger, a Dream & Pain (1:34)
6. First Night Poem for Jackson Mac Low - Variations & Collage (8:40)
7. Discussion (14:29)

Signature (2001)
1. A Book of Witness (34:24)
2. Khurbn (12:06)
3. 14 Stations (8:34)
4. At Tsukiji Market Tokyo (8:06)
5. Paris Elegies (8:46)
Produced by Charlie Morrow. All music and sound was composed, created and performed by Charlie Morrow. Originally published by Granary Books and Charles Morrow Associates in an edition of 100 copies on the occasion of Jerome Rothenberg's 70th Birthday Celebration at the Poetry Project, St. Mark's Church, NYC, Dec 12, 2001. Poems 1989, 1996, 1999, 2001 Jerome Rothenberg. Texts originally published by New Directions. Music and Sound © 2001 Other Media (ASCAP) NY, NY. All rights reserved.

Rothenberg & the Klezmatics, 2002
Galician Nights, 2002 (6:26)


These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2004 Jerome Rothenberg. Used with permission of Jerome Rothenberg. Distributed by PennSound and UbuWeb.

Poland / 1931 and That Dada Strain:
Performed by Jerome Rotherberg (voice), Jean-Charles Francçois, percussion and Bertram Turetzky (bass).
Multitrack recording
Recorded: circa 1985
Originally produced as a private cassette

The Horse Songs of Frank Mitchell:
Jerome Rothenberg, voice (multi-tracked)
Recorded: 1978
Originally released by New Wilderness Audiographics

Jerome Rothenberg: curator of UbuWeb Ethnopoetics