
Poetry And The Film: Amos Vogel, Maya Deren, Parker Tyler, Willard Maas & Dylan Thomas Sessions 1 & 2 At Cinema 16 (10/28/ 1953)

1. Poetry And The Film: Amos Vogel, Maya Deren, Parker Tyler, Willard Maas & Dylan Thomas Sessions 1 & 2 At Cinema 16 (10/28/ 1953)

Part 1
Part 2

This historically significant symposium held at the venerable Cinema 16 film society unraveled the relationship between poetry and avant-garde cinema. Discussed are the types of poetic expressions in film, poetry as a visual medium, "cinepoems", and the influence of Vigo, Dali, Bunuel, Cocteau, and Eisenstein. A discussion surrounds the need to collaborate between writers and filmmakers, the divide between types of cinema, and collaboration as key for the future of film.

* Please note condition of reel- phantom audio can be heard on pt 1 due to tape condition.

(PT 1: 1:21:48; PT 2: 1:15:07; TRT: 2:36:55)

Track 1 & 2 from Rare Audio from Anthology Film Archives

The Films of Willard Maas on UbuWeb