People Like Us

People Like Us on UbuWeb

DO or DIY "Awful Fun" (2009) 
An online-only album 

  1. Awful Fun 1 - 6:50
  2. Awful Fun 2 - 4:29
  3. Awful Fun 3 - 3:53
  4. Awful Fun 4 - 5:08
  5. Awful Fun 5 - 4:18
  6. Awful Fun 6 - 5:27
  7. Awful Fun 7 - 2:49
  8. Awful Fun 8 - 4:35
  9. Awful Fun 9 - 4:06
  10. Awful Fun 10 - 1:27
  11. Awful Fun 11 - 3:36
  12. Awful Fun 12 - 4:09
  13. Awful Fun 13 - 1:20
  14. Awful Fun 14 - 2:36


Album-length compilation of the best of DO or DIY from the summer season on WFMU, 2009.

DO or DIY is a freeform sound art radio show broadcast weekly by Vicki Bennett (project name People Like Us) on WFMU.

The philosophy behind the show is simple. That within the realms of avant-garde and experimental sound art the goalposts defining "accessible" and "inaccessible" are constantly moving. As the radar rises and dips, fragments and shards of underground creations unearth, and popular culture and artist resonate, shifting shapes accordingly with one another in reflections of changing spotlights.

The avant-garde and popular culture rely on each other's energy. People Like Us collage both "hard to listen" works and popular listening matter, showing that in fact, beyond the restrictions of genre, genre IS the restriction and it is possible to like many kinds of art and music. The key is finding the door - DO or DIY leads the way into new and unusual realms of listening and hope to show the way in.

Each show consists of collages made of sound works from the 20th and 21st century, often layered and looped many times over, resulting in an album type effect on each show.

The pun "All Things Avant-Retard", a rhyme with "All Things Avant-Garde" literally means All Things Forward-Backwards. Essentially by using sonic extremes and apparent opposites we find some sort of central point or balanced perspective on music and sound.