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Perfo 2: Catalogus Performance Festival, 1984 1. SIDE A 2. SIDE B SIDE A 1 ROBERT ASHLEY (America) 2 ANNE BEAN (England) - The Bow Gamelan Ensemble (Anne Bean) Richard Wilson, PD. Burwell) recorded live at the London Musicians Collective, 'October 1983 3 BELGIAN INSTITUTE FOR WORLD AFFAIRS (Belgium) (Jef Lambrecht, Karel Schoetens) - Jef Lambrecht / Karel Schoetens /Willem Elsschot / HendrikConscience, 31-12-82 / 1-1-83 4 MARCELLE VAN BEMMEL (Nederland) - 'Back Track' 5 GUILLAUME BIJL (Belgium) - Guillaume Bijl en de Vliegende Plant: 'An Announcement' 6 JAN BODDE (Nederland) - 'Resonans' 7 BOEGEL EN HOLTAPPELS (Nederland) - 'Tm Raum zwischen Himmel und Erde' 8 TIMOTHY BUCKLEY (Amerika) 9 JACQUES CHARMER (Belgium) -'Regressive Rock' (Technique: Henri Dalem) 10 LAURE CHENARD (Frankrijk) - 'Mehr der Wolfals Rotkappchen 11 DROPARCHIEF (Nederland) (Joep Neetjes, Jawek Kwakman) -'No Primetime' 12 DANIEL FARIOLI (Frankrijk) - 'World Master, Time Master' 13 BORIS GERRETS (Nederland) -'Distance' (Composed and played by Dan Marmorstein) From 'Pieces Universelles' a performance work by Boris Gerrets 14 CLAUDIO GOULART (Nederland) -'Total Eclipse' 15 ROBERTA GRAHAM (Engeland) - 'Projected Rituals' 16 SERVIE JANSSEN (Nederland) - 'Utopie van de Plaats, Geheime Fonteinen - Utopie van de Tijd, Taal- bronnen' 17 HANS JONGSMA (Nededand) - 'Las Manos de Orlac, con Peter Lorre' 18 JURGEN KLAUKE (Duitsland) - 'Jeder Kultur hat die Gesellschaft die sie verdient' 19 SONIA KNOX (Engeland) - Sonia Knox and Reeves Trevor: 'Light Black' 20 KOMAR EN MELAMID (Rusland) - 'Urbi et Orbi' 21 EDUARD KOOPMAN EN SIEVERT BODDE (Nederland) 22 JOSEPH KREMPELSAUER (Nederland) -'Lass die San raus' SIDE B 23 HERMAN LAMERS EN VIVIAN ROWE (Nederland -'Santa Lucia, vermengd met een aria nit Rossini's Othello' (Gezongen door Janny P.R.) 24 DAVID McDERMOTY EN PETER McCOUGH (Amerika) 25 DAVID MEDALLA (Engeland) -'Metamorphoses of an Enigma' 26 MOE MEYER (Amerika) -'Life of Liberace' 27 KEES MOL (Nededand) - 'Pourquoi to as coupe B tout a l'heure to m'as dit A' 28 DENNIS OPPENHEIM (Amerika) - 'Conceptual Graffiti' 29 ORLAN (Frankrijk) - 'Sainte-Orlan benit Art Performance' (Orlan avec Frederic Martin, guitar, Frederic Deceloy, voix et Jean Vineola, ingenieur du son) 30 RIA PACQUEE (Belgium) -'Hungry Game' 31 TOM PUCKEY (Nederland) - Falling Water' 32 CLAUDE SANDOZ (Zwitserland) - Musik aus Aldebaran: 'Space Caravan III' 33 JOSEPH SEMAH (Nederland) - 'A Soldier saying Farewell' 34 MICHAL SHABTAY (Nederland) - 'L'Odalisque Mecanique' 35 STUART SHERMAN (Amerika) -'Doors', 'Water','Click', 'Pinball' (Four sound pieces by Stuart Sherman) 36 SIROP (Nederland( (Albert Gnederond, Jerome Symons ('Tight Rope Tango' 37 ANDRE STITY EN TARA BABEL (Engeland) -'The Tourist' (Produced 30-3-84 at Zen Abbaloir Studio, London by Andre Stilt and The Self-Righteous Brother) 38 RELLY TARLO EN JACOB ABEDAUX (Nederland)- 'Belly Tarlo Tracks, Territorial Landscape' 39 HENK TAS (Nederland) -'We've asked ourselves that question many times' (Composed and played by Henk Tas, guitar, Fred Sleutelaar, guitar and Chris Lindquist, bass and drums) 40 BLUE GENE TYRANNY (Amerika) - 'Selected Pieces' 41 MARIEKEN VERHEYEN (Nededand) -'Diamonds are a girl's best friend' 42 WACKENHUT (Nederland) (Eric Hobijn, Franz F. Feigl) - 'M.M.P. Projekt Wackenhut' 43 ROBIN WINTERS (Amerika) -'Don't disturb me while I'm drawing' 44 DE ZAAK (Nederland) (Jouke Kleerenbezem, Ton Mars, Hans Scholten) -'Chants d'Exlase et de Guerison' 45 SYLVIA ZIRANEK (Engeland) -'The (d)anger of (ch)armes c' PERFO2 There, where the limits between fine arts and theatre become obscured, PERFO 2 shows the Performance as an autonomous artistic expression. PERFO 2 shows the extremes that maybe attained in the art of manifestation. PERFO 2 is a selection for reflection, offers a choice of artists, gives a bouquet of possibilities and thus indicates the state and stage of progress, as a magazine does. Not more and not less than a state of affairs. It cannot be otherwise because of a great flexibility and variety of the medium. PERFO 2 is the consequence of a starting point of Lantaren/Venster: to show the charm of a unique moment. We asked all artists who accepted our invitation, from Ashley to Ziranek, for sound lasting one and a quarter minutes, without any restrictions. We composed the Symphonie Perfomanique from the material, whereby the alphabet was our only reference. The L.P. is rather determining the atmosphere for the PERFO 2 world than that all the pieces refer directly to the works to be performed during the festival. Some are just doing that, other form an obscure link. Thus David Medalla mentions the title and contents of his work in a letter personally spoken to you, but the Israeli, Joseph Semah, plays original recordings from the Yom Kippur war in which he fought. Thus Anne Beans Bow Gamelan Ensemble and the Regressive Rock of Jacques Charlier on the record, have a direct relationship with what they perform at the festival, but the regressive time of Daniel Farioli, the desire of Ria Paquee, the alienation of Stuart Sherman, the humor of Komarand Melamid and the blessing by orlan of the concept of Performance are associative audio-visual collages. The report consists of a book with texts about and photographs of the daily activities during the festival. L.P. and report form a mutual integrated supplement. Fred van der Hilst / Wink van Kempen |