
Pataphysics (compilation, 2005)
Curated by Andrew Hugill

  1. Alphonse Allais - Marche funèbre composée pour les funérailles d'un grand homme sourd ( 1'28")
  2. Alfred Jarry, Charles Pourny, Claude Terrasse - Chanson du décervelage ( 2'45")
  3. Alfred Jarry, Charles Pourny, Claude Terrasse - Hymne des palotins ( 2'54")
  4. Marcel Duchamp - Erratum musical ( 3'31")
  5. Percy Grainger - Kangaroo-pouch machine ( 0'41")
  6. Boris Vian - Le déserteur ( 3'29")
  7. Harpo Marx - Harpo boogie-woogie ( 1'44")
  8. Luc Etienne - L'apres-midi d'un magnétophone: palindromes phonétiques ( 5'09")
  9. R. Wyatt, H. Hopper - Patasoft ( 3'33")
  10. Gavin Bryars - Ponukélian melody (11'34")
  11. Nigey Lennon - The man with the axe ( 4'15")
  12. Christopher Hobbs - L'auteur se retire ( 3'22")
  13. Andrew Hugill - Nicholas through the mist ( 5'00")
  14. Frédéric Inigo - D'un jet ( 3'00")
  15. Gullibloon - Einsiedler ( 4'06")
  16. John Levack Drever - Pataphonic studies 1 ( 0'59")
  17. John Levack Drever - Pataphonic studies 2 ( 0'51")
  18. John Levack Drever - Pataphonic studies 3 ( 2'50")
  19. Neil Salley - Interior/Interior ( 5'32")
  20. Ramuntcho Matta - Just to be clear ( 3'30")
  21. Marc Battier - Bam_HaHa ( 2'54")
  22. Andrew Hugill - To end, Caruso sang figure 1 moto perpetuo ( 0'32")

Very briefly, 'pataphysics is the most superlative and supernal of all the sciences, existing in concern beyond even metaphysics and predating all concerns by preceding existence. Invented by Alfred Jarry - you may be familiar with Ubu Roi - 'pataphysics is the science of imaginary solutions (as Duchamp noted, the problems are imaginary as well) and the laws governing exceptions (which includes general laws as they are exceptions to exceptions). For further obfuscation, see Exploits and Opinions of Doctor Faustroll, 'Pataphysician and Adventures in 'Pataphysics: Vol. 1 of Alfred Jarry's Collected Works.

This is a compilation of 'pataphysical (pardon the prepended apostrophe, it abides afore to avoid a pun) compositions curated by Andrew Hugill and proffered by the Sonic Arts Network.

'Pataphysics, Useless Science (historical audio compilation) in UbuWeb Sound/A>