
Various Artists

Neue Chormusik III (1985)

  1. Brian Ferneyhough - Time and Motion Study III (20:39)
  2. Gustav Mahler - Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (6:02)
  3. Aribert Reimann - John III, 16 (11:42)
  4. Olivier Messiaen - O sacrum convivium (2:38)
  5. György Ligeti - Magyar Etüdök (5:47)
  6. Alban Berg - Die Nachtigall (2:39)
  7. Maurice Ravel - Soupir (1) (3:51)

    30 - VA - Neue Chormusik III - 1985 - Wergo 60111

This recording is part of the Wolf Fifth Archive
This UbuWeb resource is edited by Justin Lacko.