2 UbuWeb Sound - Sten Hanson - The John Carter Song Book


Sten Hanson (1936-2013)

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The John Carter Song Book (Phono Suecia/1988)

  1. Morning On Barsoom (11:30)
  2. Battlesong Of Tars Tarkas And The Green Warriors (6:25)
  3. Bestiary (2:06)
  4. The Chessmen Of Mars (3:44)
  5. Song Of The Holy Terns (2:28)
  6. The Love Song Of The Red Princess (10:00)
  7. The Birthplace Of Matter (10:29)

This composition was inspired by a science fiction novel by Michael Moorcock. Realized at Fylkingen studios, Institute of Electro-Acoustic music, Radiohuset, Stokholm and at the studio of Brooklyn College, New York. Sten Hanson plays vibraphone and Buchla synthesizer.