
The Dial-A-Poem Poets: John Giorno & Anne Waldman: "a Kulchur Selection"

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1. Anne Waldman:
    a. For the Voice of Montserrat Caballe
    b. Error
    c. Sisters
    d. Plutonium Poem
    e. Billy Work Peyote
    f. Sun The Blonde Out
    g. Shaman Hisses You Slide Back in the Night

2. Anne Waldman: Fast Speaking Woman    

3. Anne Waldman: White Eyes

4. Anne Waldman: Musical Garden

5. John Giorno: Everyone Is A Complete Disappointment

6. John Giorno: Drinking the blood of Every woman's period

From the LP John Giorno & Anne Waldman: "A Kulchur Selection" (1977), GPS 010-011 (2x LP)