
Öyvind Fahlström (1928-1976)


1. Birds in Sweden (1963), 29:38

The Holy Torsten Nilsson (1966)

1. Chapter 1, Ö.F. eavesdrops
2. Chapter 2, The Laser
3. Chapter 5, First visit to the institution
4. Chapter 6, Erlander's legacy
5. Chapter 7, Lee and Raymond Wood
6. Chapter 8, With Erlander
7. Chapter 9, The pleasure yacht
8. Chapter 14, Happening in Shanghai
9. Chapter 18, My undresses Lee
10. Chapter 22, My is interrogated
11. Chapter 23, Lee awakens at a graveside
12. Chapter 25, Sweden gets the upper hand
13. Chapter 26, Attempt on Palme's life
14. Chapter 27, The stylites
15. Chapter 28, Sweden the underdog
16. Chapter 31, The sore spot
17. Chapter 32, Ö. enters På
18. Chapter 33, Wood in Kina
19. Chapter 34, Siamese twins
20. Chapter 35, Lo's second explanation

Under the motto: Manipulate the world - take care of the world, Fahlström set up a variety of meeting-places in which participants were invited to take part in an interdiciplinary game of purposeful discovery. He introduced elements of popular culture into his work early on and made substantial contributions to a critical assessment of the "medialisation" of art. In this, the most extensive book about Öyvind Fahlström to date, Teddy Hultberg charts the artist´s predominant lines of creative development and shows how his cross-genre endeavours were based on a few central ideas: character forms, signs, games and life materials.

The present study focuses on two innovative and extraordinary compositions for radio: "Birds in Sweden" (1963) and "The Holy Torsten Nilsson" (1966). These works can be heard on the two accompanying CD records and are also included here in written form. Some unique and hitherto unpublished visual and textual material, the result of several years of research by Teddy Hultberg, is also included in the book.

Det stora och det lilla & Morgon

1. Det stora och det lilla
2. Ett kvitter, ett till kvitter
3. Där finner han nog
4. Med rösten av unga
5. Grova säkra nickar
6. Hastam hapar
7. Det är inte pinnar
8. Nu e du min gul igen
9. En punkts kvitter
10. Ge tillbaks det som
11. En rörelse som kommer
12. Morgon

From the CD Det stora och det lilla & Morgon, Ord & Bild, 1998

Performed by Lars Cleveman, Thomas Hammar + Magnus Lindman

Morgon framförs av Miriam Andersén (vokal och sinfonia)

Fahlstrom's "Manifesto for Concrete Poetry (1952-55)" in UbuWeb's Papers

UbuWeb Sound | UbuWeb