
Ensemble Ordinature

Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters)

1. Rondo allegro largo

2. Scherzo

3. Preto Finale

Ensemble Ordinature is a vocal, but not necessarily a singing, ensemble that is committed to performing unusual repertoire and material. Their focus is vocal works that do not fall naturally into any common genre of music or vocal performance. They discovered everything about themselves and each other in early spring 2004 in Vancouver, Canada. Artistic director, André Cormier, helped them focus their abilities and helped them get out there. After the ensemble's first performance experience together (a free improv on "Hello World") the idea of recording the Ursonate was a natural next step. This is their debut recording.

This recording explores the incessant and the obsessive nature of the Ursonate. It is inspired by a rendition that is offered by Christopher Butterfield.

Ensemble Ordinature are working on a follow-up recording that will involve some of their own world perceptions as well as other composers'. When the ensemble is not performing, they are in complete vocal rest.

Ensemble Odinature are:
Reiner - german
Klara - german
Alain - French
Juliette - French
Crystal - English
Rich - English
Mike - English

Artistic director: André Cormier

Versions of the Ursonate on UbuWeb Sound

UbuWeb Sound | UbuWeb