
Les Percussions De Strasbourg - East Meets West

East Meets West

  1. Tona Scherchen - Shen (10:56)
  2. Alain Louvier - Candrakâla (6:55)
  3. Alain Louvier - Shima (8:10)
  4. Georges Aperghis - Kryptogramma (17:41)

    Engineer [Recording] Henk Jansen
    Performer Claude Ricou, Detlef Kieffer*, Gabriel Bouchet, Georges Van Gucht, Jean Batigne*, Jean-Paul Finkbeiner
    Producer Michel Bernard
    Recorded at Eglise Réformée Saint-Paul de Strasbourg, France.
    Label: Philips - 6521 030
    Series: Prospective 21e Siècle

    49 - Schergen, Louvier, Aperghis - East Meets West - 1972 - Philips Prospective 6521 030

This recording is part of the Wolf Fifth Archive
This UbuWeb resource is edited by Justin Lacko.