
Carlfriedrich Claus (b. 1930)

German Radio Features

1. Wer ist im Moment ich - das Lebensexperiment des Künstlers Carlfriedrich Claus

by Anne König / Ulf Köhler
produced and broadcasted by MDR 2000
61:00 minutes

2. Wer ist im Moment ich - das Lebensexperiment des Künstlers Carlfriedrich Claus

Wortlärm zerreisst die Stille - Die Lautexperimente des Carlfriedrich Claus
by Florian Neuner / Carolin Naujocks
produced and broadcasted by ARD
54:52 minutes

Sound Poems

3. Wer ist im Moment ich - das Lebensexperiment des Künstlers Carlfriedrich Claus

4. Laugtgedichten (1965) (4:12)

5. Lautaggregat (1995)

The cry of the brief but very intense phonic text that appears among the "Lautgedichten" (Vocal poems, 1965) of Carlfriedrich Claus, model of choral exteriorization, crowding of hysteria, can be allocated aesthetically to the area of German expressionism. Speaking of this tendency, it is possible to ignore the influence exerted on literature by the poetry of August Stramm, who contributed to the magazine "Der Sturm". Purely subjective, Stramm's cosmic poems are distortions of the language, syntactic and grammatical demolitions or e purpose of achieving the greatest possible emotional intensity. The verses, very short, not more than one or two words, are often reduced to syllables. Verbs are used as nouns, no conjunctions or adjectives exist. The rhythm is irregular, broken. "The words murmur, lash, crush, wound, drip sweet desire, spit ardour, caress, embrace, bite, kill themselves" (Kurt Liebmann).

Camminare Tendere
Vita langue
Rabbrividire Stare
Sgardi cercano
Il morire cresce
La Venuta

The eruption of subjectivity in the world of fact and objects links this tendency to Antonin Artaud. Carlfriedrich Claus develops its implications also by means of manual writing, attempts to present the retrojunctions, die contradictions between spoken and written thought, using also the different calligraphies of his left and right hand. These are complex fantastic landscapes which are reminiscent of Altdorfer and, at the same time, of poems.

'Lautaggregat' CD (Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz 1995)
Sprechoperation und Realisation: Carlfriedrich Claus
Produktion in Kunstkopf-Stereofonie
Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln, Studio Akustische Kunst
Erstsendung 16.3.1993

Carlfriedrich Claus was born in 1930 at Annaberg, in Erzgebirge, East Germany.