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John Cage (1912-1992) ![]() A Dip in the Lake John Cage "A Dip in the Lake" Realized by Robert Pleshar 1. Ten Quicksteps 2. Waltzes-1-31 3. Waltzes-32-61 4. Marches-1-28 5. Marches-29-56 Some notes on the realization of John Cage's "A Dip in the Lake" 2001-2003 Robert Pleshar In July of 2001, I came across the score for this composition in the Regenstein Library at the University of Chicago. I thought it was interesting and made a copy of it for further study. The score is a list of 427 locations divided into 10 groups of 2 (quicksteps), 61 groups of 3 (waltzes) and 56 groups of 4 (marches). The locations are usually written as street intersections or other locations easily discernable on a map (cemeteries, parks, Lake Michigan, etc.). As far as I could tell, with my limited research at the time, this piece hadn't been recorded or performed. I mentioned this score to my friend Rob Anderson, who is also a fan of modern (or contemporary or whatever you want to call it) music and art and ideas. We thought it would be a good idea to record a realization of this piece. At the very least, it was an excuse for us to wander around the area we lived in and explore some places we were not familiar with and re-examine some places we knew quite well. The composition is very open-ended - it is "for performer(s) or listener(s) or record maker(s)" - which we took to mean that it could be performed by musicians or artists at the specific locations, or that the sounds that were found at the locations themselves could serve as the basis for the composition. It seemed more Cageian (and more interesting) to us to make field recordings and mix them together in the specified combinations. The piece can also be made for other cities or places by assembling through chance operations a list of 427 addresses and then arranging them into the groups listed above, again through chance operations. So, I purchased a Rand McNally Streetguide mapbook that covered the 6-county region and some Post-it Note arrows, and went about the task of finding the addresses and locations in the map book and marking them. This way, we could group together the locations and record many in a single day of traveling around. During this process, I came across some locations that I could not find on these current maps, such as the City of Chicago Correctional Farm and Hinsdale Airport. Through further research I was able to locate where some of these locations are and what was there now and marked those places as well. There were still 6 or 7 that I could not find. For each location we determined the length of time of recording using a random number table to determine the number of seconds to record with an arbitrarily-selected maximum of 240 seconds (4 minutes). We decided to take photographs of the locations we were recording as well, for further documentation. Some camera malfunctions and night-time recording forced us into taking photos at a large subset of the locations simultaneous to recording. Sometimes Rob Anderson recorded and I photographed, sometimes vice versa, sometimes I went out by myself and did both. The only other self-imposed rule that I can think of is that once the recorder started, we let it run until the specified time ended and didn't speak during the recordings (unless we were directly spoken to). The actual recording / photographing process began July 21, 2001 with a trip to O'Hare Airport and continued with excursions around the area until the field recordings were completed on April 1, 2003. Most were accomplished by driving around to areas, but I was fortunate enough to be invited on a boat ride in Lake Michigan, which provided several of the recordings of locations designated as being in the lake. We also used public transportation to get to some of the locations, and our feet, of course. Field recordings were made on a Sony digital mini-disc recorder with a higher-end Sony stereo microphone. In the meantime we were still trying to track down the 6 or 7 missing locations when a trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art gift shop revealed a postcard of the map with lines drawn on it connecting the coordinates as drawn by John Cage. It turns out that the Museum held in its permanent collection the map that was used to make the score! I emailed the MCA and explained that I was working on a realization of the score and asked if it would be possible to see the map. Ms. Jude Palmese very kindly took Rob and me to their storage facility where we were allowed to view the map. Close examination allowed me to determine the missing locations and pinpoint them in my map book so that we could record there. She also let us look at their file on the piece and it turns out that the piece was premiered in Chicago at New Music America 1982 at Navy Pier. That realization was assembled by Peter Gena and was performed in a ship docked at the pier, with tape loops that were played on twelve reel-to-reel decks that were situated around the ship. In the notes in their file it was mentioned that Peter Gena, after discussing the matter with Mr. Cage, spliced the tapes together in the manner suggested in Cage's piece "Rozart Mix." In this piece, recordings are made on reel-to-reel tapes and cut apart into randomly determined size pieces and then spliced back together in random order without regard as to the direction of the tape so that some pieces are forward, some backward, some sideways, some with the opposite side of the tape passing over the tape heads, etc. Rob and I had discussed using many different methods to mix the sounds together, as the score does not specify this aspect of the piece. We felt that using a variety of methods with some chance determined aspects was the best way to go about it. In the fall of 2002 Rob Anderson moved to San Francisco, and I continued doing recordings for the project in the usual sporadic manner. We were in no big hurry to finish the project as we had no real final goal other than my compulsive yet slow-moving determination to finish it. In February of 2003, however, I was contacted via email by Ms. Julie Rodrigues Widholm of the MCA. She said that she would be using the map by Mr. Cage in an upcoming exhibition starting in May, and that Jude had told her that I was working on a realization of the sound / musical aspect of the piece. I replied that I thought I could have it all completed by May if she was interested in using it. I assembled some mixes of tracks for which I had all of the components recorded, and made a sample CD for her. We met a short time later and I played her the tracks. She wanted to use them as well as some of the photographs we took in the exhibition. So, in a whirlwind of recording and mixing during the months of February through April of 2003, I recorded at the remaining locations and mixed the source recordings together using ProTools and my old reel-to-reel deck. Some tracks are heavily edited tape loops, some are simply the sounds all mixed together and playing at once, many have sounds from different sources cutting in and out at chance-determined intervals, many have some forward and some backward components, some are mixed "Rozart mix"-style, and so on. Many different things can be heard on these recordings: birds, insects, conversations, songs playing from car radios, car alarms, horns, lots of traffic sounds, machinery, water, trains, wind, leaves, rain, snow, walking, etc. Doing all of the recordings for this project really opened up my ears and eyes to a great amount of sounds and sights. The subtle differences between cars on wet and dry pavement, cicadas crescendoing and de-cresendoing, the eerie and beautiful high-pitched wheeze of slow-moving trains in a railroad yard, a sole leaf skittering across the ground, and water flowing through cracks were examples of sounds that I had heard my entire life, but never really listened to until now. One of the things I found that was most astounding was that when a tiny snowflake lands on a microphone it is incredibly loud. Another was that the quietest recording happened while standing in a doorway near 75th Street fairly late at night. There was just by chance a tremendously quiet stretch of time when I happened to be there, shortly ruptured by the usual traffic sounds. I never expected the quietest segment to occur in the middle of the city. John Cage once said "Music is everywhere, we just have to look for it." I think everyone should perform this piece (or something similar to it) by simply going to different places and carefully looking and listening to what is going on around them. My heartfelt thanks to these people whose assistance was crucial to the completion of this project, from technical support to listening to ideas and giving feedback to giving me a kick in the pants to actually finish it: Chuck Anderson, Shawn Clarke, Julia Hurn, Nancy Kress, J. Niimi, Jude Palmese, Robert J. Pleshar, Rebecca Stein, Julie Rodrigues Widholm, Mauro and Fiora Deepest gratitude, of course, to my co-conspirator, Robert Anderson, and to Mr. Cage. --------------------- Disc/Track Locations (City of Chicago unless specified) Quicksteps 1/1 1. Evanston-Elgin Rd. (Golf Rd.) by Lake Mary Ann (Niles) 2. Damen Ave. & 71st St. 1/2 1. Lake Michigan at Winnetka 2. Bartlett Ave.& Sunnyside Ave. (Brookfield) 1/3 1. Pleasant Ave. & Chatham Ave. (Villa Park) 2. Wolf Rd. & Feehanville Ditch (Mt. Prospect) 1/4 1. Sportsman's Park Racetrack (Cicero) 2. Mission Hills Golf Club 1/5 1. Waukegan Rd. & Wildberry Dr. (Northfield) 2. Dalewood Ln. (Hinsdale) 1/6 1. Chicago River at Grand Ave. 2. Oakton St. between Marmora & Menard Aves. (Skokie) 1/7 1. Oak St. & Wabash Ave. 2. Lake Michigan at 4700 South 1/8 1. Augusta Blvd. & Drake St. 2. Cicero Ave. & Hiawatha Ave. 1/9 1. Plainfield & Roscoe Aves. 2. Laramie Ave. between 105th Pl. & 107th St. (Oak Lawn) 1/10 1. Heather Lane (Oak Brook) 2. 5th Ave. & 23rd St. (North Riverside) Waltzes 1/11 1. Bryn Mawr & Winthrop Aves. 2. Thatcher & Fullerton Aves. (River Grove) 3. Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve (Argonne National Laboratory) 1/12 1. Church St. & Dewey Ave. (Evanston) 2. South of Jackson St. and north of 138th St. (Riverdale) 3. Tampier Slough near Wolf Rd. & 131st St. 1/13 1. Wolf Rd. & Feehanville Ditch (Mt. Prospect) 2. 102nd St. & Sacramento Ave. (Evergreen Park) 3. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 1/14 1. Waldheim Jewish Cemetery near Harlem Av. & Cermak Rd. (Forest Park) 2. 14th St. & Wolcott Ave. 3. Roosevelt Rd. & Elgin Ave. (Forest Park) 1/15 1. 95th St. & 87th Av. (Hickory Hills) 2. Edmaire Ave. & Davol St. 3. 119th St. & Dan Ryan Expressway 1/16 1. Former site of Hinsdale Airport (Willowbrook) 2. O'Hare Airport 3. Marquette Park near Kedzie Ave. 1/17 1. Lake Michigan 2. Forest Preserve near 135th St. & Bachelor Grove Cemetery 3. Cottage Grove Ave. & 90th St. 1/18 1. Rand Hill Cemetery (Arlington Heights) 2. Mt. Olivet Cemetery near 115th St. & California Ave. 3. North branch Chicago River near W. Cortland St. 1/19 1. Gregory Ave. (Wilmette) 2. Elmhurst College (Elmhurst) 3. Arlington International Racetrack (Arlington Heights) 1/20 1. Estes Ave. (Elk Grove Village) 2. Butterfield Country Club (Oak Brook) 3. Mt.Prospect Rd. & Prospect Ave. (Mt. Prospect) 1/21 1. Pontiac & Addison Aves. 2. Clinton Ave. & East 1st St. (Elmhurst) 3. Cicero Ave. & Division St. 1/22 1. Joliet Rd. & County Line Rd. (Burr Ridge) (former site of City of Chicago Correctional Farm) 2. Oak Brook Polo Club (Oak Brook) 3. 106th St. & Burley Ave. 1/23 1. O'Hare Airport 2. Hamlin Ave. & Touhy Ave. (Park Ridge) 3. Lake Michigan near Northwestern University (Evanston) 1/24 1. 35th St. & Damen Ave. 2. Kennedy Expressway at Blackhawk St. 3. Justine St. between 122nd & 123rd Sts. 1/25 1. Perry Ave. & 57th St. 2. Keating Ave. north of Marquette Rd. 3. Southcotte Rd. & Parkway Rd. (Riverside) 1/26 1. Restvale Cemetary (Alsip) 2. Amos Alonzo Stagg High School (Palos Hills) 3. Busse Highway & Morris Ave. (Park Ridge) 1/27 1. 31st St. & Normal Ave. 2. Fullerton Ave. & Seminary Ave. 3. O'Hare Airport 1/28 1. Hoyne Ave. & Erie Ave. 2. Fullerton Ave. & Talman Ave. 3. O'Hare Airport 1/29 1. Montana St. between Laverne & LeClaire Sts. 2. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 3. 87th St. & Troy Ave. 1/30 1. Lake Michigan off Lincoln Park (1900 North) 2. Hudson Ave. & Armitage Ave. 3. North end of Kennicott Ave. (Buffalo Grove) 1/31 1. Narragansett Ave. by Riis Park 2. Chicago Ave. & Cleveland St. 3. 38th St. & Morgan St. 1/32 1. Laramie & Greenleaf Aves. (Skokie) 2. Forest Preserve near 87th St. & 96th Ave. 3. Dead end of Madison St. (Berkeley) 1/33 1. Lake Michigan 2. former vacant lot between Ridgeland Av., Central Av., 127th St., 135th St. (Palos Hills) 3. Ridgeland Ave. & 18th St. (Berwyn) 1/34 1. Archer Ave. & Loomis St. 2. South of 135th St. near Will-Cook Rd. (Orland Park) 3. Lake Michigan (1000 W.) 1/35 1. Forest Preserve between Highways 90 & 72 2. Hudson & Goethe Sts. 3. Lake Michigan at 4000 North 1/36 1. Lake Michigan at 6000 North 2. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 3. Voltz Rd. & Lee Rd. (Northbrook) 1/37 1. W. 29th Pl. & S. 53rd Av. (Cicero) 2. Calvary Cemetery at Sheridan Rd. (Evanston) 3. Canterberry Lane (Oak Brook) 1/38 1. 99th St. & Tulley Ave. (Oak Lawn) 2. 95th St. & Union Ave. 3. Lake Michigan south of filtration plant at Rainbow Park 1/39 1. Douglas Blvd. & Drake Ave. 2. Clinton Ave. & Pleasant St. (Oak Park) 3. Area between Tri-State Tollway, Stevenson Expressway, east of Edgewood Country Club 1/40 1. Lake Michigan at 1600 North 2. Illinois & Michigan Canal north of Bethania Cemetery 3. Sauganash & Tripp Aves. 1/41 1. Bisner Rd. (Elk Grove Village) 2. 35th St. & Winchester Ave. 3. Manchester Dr. & Jerome Pl. (Wheeling) 1/42 1. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 2. Winston Ave. north of 97th St. 3. Finley Rd. near 35th St. (Downers Grove) 1/43 1. 66th St. & Loomis Blvd. 2. Canfield Ave. & Bryn Mawr Ave. 3. Lake Michigan 1/44 1. Ogden & Cicero Aves. (Cicero) 2. 52nd St. & S. Peoria Ave. 3. Beverly Ave. (Addison) 1/45 1. 125th St. & 83rd Ave. (Palos Park) 2. Scrapyard west of Leavitt Ave. (Dixmoor) 3. Rockwell Ave. & 114th St. 1/46 1. Salt Creek north of Thorndale Ave. (Wood Dale) 2. 103rd St. north of Kathy Ct. (Palos Hills) 3. 118th St. & Sangamon St. 1/47 1. South of Cog Hill Golf Club 2. West of Gleneagles Golf Club 3. Lake Michigan at Kenilworth 1/48 1. Calumet Sag Channel south of Saganashkee Slough 2. Linden Ave. Near Roosevelt Rd. (York Twp) 3. Near Glenview Naval Air Station (Glenview) 1/49 1. Lake Calumet at 111th St. 2. Altgeld St. between Sheffield & Seminary Aves. 3. Near E.J. Beck Lake in Forest Preserve (Glenview) 1/50 1. Wolf Lake at 134th St. 2. 75th St. & Marshfield Ave. 3. Archer Ave. & 33rd Pl. 1/51 1. Grove St. & Forest Ave. (Itasca) 2. North Lagoon in Lincoln Park 3. Vermont St. & Throop St. (Calumet Park) 1/52 1. Area between. 31st St., Cermak Rd., Wolf Rd., Tri-State Tollway (Proviso Twp) 2. Troy St. between 109th & 111th Sts. 3. Dundee Rd. west of Waukegan Rd. (Lake County) 1/53 1. Rand Rd. southeast of Rand Hill Cemetery (Arlington Heights) 2. Lake Michigan 3. Central Park Ave. between Greenleaf & Lee (Skokie) 1/54 1. Ridgewood Dr. (Northbrook) 2. Ohio St. & Bishop St. 3. 52nd Ave. at Otto Pl. (Oak Lawn) 1/55 1. Forest Dr. between Lake Ave. & Lilac Ave. (Glenview) 2. Hoyne Ave. & Diversey Ave. 3. Willow Rd. & Provident Ave. (Winnetka) 1/56 1. Harlem Ave. between Grace St. & Waveland Ave. 2. Lake Michigan 3. State St. & Huron St. 1/57 1. Leahy Circle (Des Plaines) 2. Biesterfield Rd. & Leicester Rd. (Elk Grove Village) 3. Lake St. & Merrill Ave. (Morton Grove) 1/58 1. Green St. & May St. (Bensenville) 2. Milwaukee Ave. & Harlem Ave. (Niles) 3. Marrillac High School (Northfield) 1/59 1. Peterson Ave. & Rogers Rd. 2. Hoyne Ave. & 109th St. 3. Fresh Meadows Golf Club (Oak Brook) 1/60 1. St. Louis Ave. & Monroe St. 2. Between. Butterfield Rd. and Harrison St. on Caldwell (High) St. (Hillside) 3. Thayer St. & Elm St. (Mt. Prospect) 1/61 1. Potomac & Keeler Aves. 2. Sherwin & Greenview Aves. 3. Park Ave. between Greenfield & Thomas Sts. (River Forest) 1/62 1. Briarwood Lake (Mt. Prospect / Elk Grove Village) 2. Oakley Blvd. & Dickens Ave. 3. Intersection of Lake St., Army Trail & Addison Rds. (Addison) 1/63 1. Troy St. & 111th St. 2. Calumet Harbor 3. State St. & Washington St. 1/64 1. Lake Michigan 2. Park east of Grove St. (Itasca) 3. Golf Mill Mall (Niles) 1/65 1. Area west of Timber Trails Country Club (Burr Ridge) 2. Lake Michigan 3. Forest Preserve near Southwest Highway & 131st St. 1/66 1. Kingery Hwy. & McKinley Ave. (Villa Park) 2. Lake Michigan 3. Crawford (Pulaski) Ave. between 94th & 95th Sts. (Evergreen Park) 1/67 1. Lawndale Ave. & School St. 2. Grand Ave. & Western Ave. 3. Hoyne Ave. & Lothair Ave. 1/68 1. Hollywood Ave. & 3rd Ave. (Des Plaines) 2. North of Lake Calumet 3. Little Calumet River (Riverdale) 1/69 1. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad, south Of Grand Ave. (Franklin Park) 2. Circle Dr. (Mt. Prospect) 3. Lake Michigan 2/1 1. Harvey Ave. & 18th St. (Berwyn) 2. Chicago River at Wilmette Ave. (Wilmette) 3. 73rd St. & Perry St. 2/2 1. Forest Preserve south of Calumet Sag Rd. 2. Roosevelt Rd. & Edgewood Av. (Lombard) 3. Lori Lane & Clearview Dr. (Palos Hills) Marches 2/3 1. State Highway 14 at Arthur Ave. (Arlington Heights) 2. Kanst Dr. in Marquette Park 3. Oak Park Ave. between 62nd & 63rd Sts. 4. Elm & McVicker Sts. (Morton Grove) 2/4 1. Lake Calumet at E. 111th St. 2. Lake Michigan 3. Salt Creek at Thorndale Ave. (Wood Dale) 4. Kearney Rd. & Bluff Rd. 2/5 1. Stonegate Rd. (Clarendon Hills) 2. Tampier Slough 3. 80th St. & 85th Ave. (Justice) 4. Crawford Ave. & Estes (Lincolnwood) 2/6 1. Wolf Lake 2. Lake Michigan 3. Augusta Blvd. & N. Marion St. (Oak Park) 4. Clearing Railroad Yard (Bedford Park) 2/7 1. Thatcher Road at Oak Park Country Club (River Grove) 2. LeClaire Ave. & Diversey Ave. 3. Maplewood Ave. between 52nd St. & 53rd St. 4. Morgan St. between 61st & 62nd Sts. 2/8 1. Roosevelt Road & 24th Ave. (Broadview) 2. Wabansia Ave. & Claremont Ave. 3. Madison Ave. & Monroe Ave. (Brookfield) 4. 76th St. & Wood St. 2/9 1. Westmoor Rd & Laurel Ave. (Winnetka) 2. Chapel Hill Gardens South Cemetery (Alsip) 3. Armitage Ave. at Wolcott Ave. 4. Lake Shore Dr. at Hawthorne Place 2/10 1. Kensington Ave. & Preston St. (Westchester) 2. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 3. 74th St. between. Cork & 86th Aves. (Justice) 4. Douglas Rd. between 36th & 37th Sts. (Downers Grove) 2/11 1. Area between. 83rd St., 87th St., County Line Rd., Madison St. (Burr Ridge) 2. Mark Dr. near Wolf Rd. (Mt. Prospect) 3. Lake Michigan off Northwestern University (Evanston) 4. Railroad Yard south of 67th Street (Bedford Park) 2/12 1. Lincoln Park at Fullerton Ave. 2. East shore of Lake Calumet (12000 S.) 3. Arthington St. & Kilpatrick Ave. 4. Central Park Ave. & School St. 2/13 1. 78th Ave. between 100th Pl. & 101st St. (Palos Hills) 2. Fay Ave. & Fiene Dr. (Addison) 3. Lake Michigan southeast of Rainbow Park 4. Midlothian Turnpike between Mayfield & Menard Aves. (Midlothian) 2/14 1. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 2. Simpson St. & La Crosse St. (Wilmette) 3. Des Plaines Ave. & 18th St. (Forest Park) 4. Montrose Cemetery 2/15 1. Lake Michigan at 7600 North 2. Larrabee St. (1000 North) 3. Derby Rd. S. of Archer Ave. 4. Lake Michigan at 5200 North 2/16 1. Glenview Golf Club (Glenview) 2. Blackhawk Trail (Indian Head Park) 3. Komensky Ave. (Robbins) 4. Forest Preserve south Of 131st St., west of Will-Cook Rd. 2/17 1. Calumet Sag Channel at Portland St. (Blue Island) 2. Walters Ave. & Lee Rd. (Northbrook) 3. Lake Michigan at 7200 North 4. Glade Ave. & 3rd St. (Elmhurst) 2/18 1. Marion Ave. & Superior St. (Oak Park) 2. Forest Preserve in Riverdale 3. Gleneagles Golf Club 4. Maple Ave. between Fillmore St. & Roosevelt Rd. (Oak Park) 2/19 1. Division St. & Central Park Ave. 2. Lake Michigan at 8000 North 3. California Blvd. & 24th St. 4. 28th St. & Groveland Ave. (North Riverside) 2/20 1. Forest Preserve near Glencoe Golf Club 2. Bryn Mawr Country Club (Lincolnwood) 3. Lake Michigan at Winnetka 4. 29th St. at Ogden Av. (Cicero) 2/21 1. Grant St. between. 9th St. & 55th St. (Hinsdale) 2. Lake Michigan at 1200 North 3. Central Ave. near 47th St. 4. Dead end of Timber Trails (Hickory Hills) 2/22 1. Park Ave. between S. 57th Ct. & S. 57th Av. (Cicero) 2. Holbrook Dr. (Wheeling) 3. Harms Rd. at Ferndale Rd. (Wilmette) 4. Chicago - Joliet Rd. between Parker & Bell Rds. 2/23 1. Columbus Park 2. Forest Preserve near Forest View Rd. (Brookfield) 3. Eisenhower Expressway, crossover of East-West Tollway (Hillside) 4. Lake Michigan at 3000 North 2/24 1. O'Hare Airport 2. Troy St. & Cortland Ave. 3. 105th St. between Roberts Rd. & 85th St. (Palos Hills) 4. Whitefawn Rd. & Harmac Pl. (Westmont) 2/25 1. Cherry St. at Eastman Ave. 2. 113th St. & Bell Ave. 3. School St. between Seminary & Kenmore Aves. 4. Northwest of Lake Calumet between lake and Pullman Railroad 2/26 1. Lawndale Av. & 79th St. 2. Little Calumet River at Bergen St. (Calumet Park) 3. Lake Michigan at 2400 North 4. Riverside Golf Club (North Riverside) 2/27 1. Central Park Ave. between 112th Pl. & 115th St. 2. Church St. & Moreland Ave. (Addison) 3. Lake Michigan at Winnetka 4. Cog Hill Golf Club (Lemont) 2/28 1. State & 24th Sts. 2. Prarie Ave. & May St. (Elmhurst) 3. Ashland & Thorndale Aves. 4. Walton St. & 14th Ave. (Melrose Park) 2/29 1. Burr Oak Train Yard (Blue Island) 2. Henderson St. between Newland & Sayre Aves. 3. Lincoln Park Zoo 4. Kedzie Ave. so of 123rd St. (Alsip) (Lincoln Cemetery) 2/30 1. Kedzie Ave. & 84th Pl. 2.Cicero Ave. & 65th St. 3. Talman Ave. & 74th St. 4. Evergreen Ave. between Washtenaw Ave. & Rockwell St. 2/31 1. Kenton Ave. between Gross Pointe Rd. & Lyons Av. (Skokie) 2. Roosevelt Rd. & Des Plaines Ave. (Forest Park) 3. Lake Michigan at 2300 North 4. Des Plaines Ave. & Roosevelt Rd. (Forest Park) 2/32 1. Lake Michigan at 3600 North 2. Des Plaines River at LaGrange Road 3. Landmeier Rd. (Elk Grove Village) 4. Robin Dr. between Ballard Rd. & Dempster St. (Niles) 2/33 1. Park Ave. & Monroe St. (Forest Park) 2. Wabash Ave. south of 14th St. 3. Lake Michigan at Winnetka 4. Forest Preserve between 107th St, Calumet Sag Channel, 104th Ave. & 96th Ave. 2/34 1. Swift Dr. (Oak Brook) 2. Lake Michigan at 2300 North 3. Dee Rd. between Higgins Rd. & Devon Ave. (Rosemont) 4. Lenox Ave. between Caldwell & Leoti Sts. 2/35 1. Grey Ave. & Noyes St. (Evanston) 2. County Line between Cook & Lake counties Near Weidner Rd. 3. Sheridan Rd. & Albion Ave. 4. East of 96th Ave. & 143rd St. (Orland Park) 2/36 1. East-West Tollway near Venard Rd. 2. Ozanam Ave. & Seminole Ave. 3. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 4. Lake Michigan at 1600 North 2/37 1. Westmoreland Country Club (Wilmette) 2. Midwestern University (formerly George Williams College) (Downers Grove) 3. Forest Preserve at Illinois - Indiana State Line 4. Lincoln Park near Irving Park Rd. 2/38 1. Lake Michigan at 5100 South 2. 100th St. & Rhodes Ave. 3. Des Plaines Ave. Near Jewish Cemeteries (Forest Park) 4. Devon Ave. near Pierce Rd. (Itasca) 2/39 1. Near Leavitt Ave. & 142nd St. (Dixmoor) 2. Calumet Sag Channel south of 88th Ave. (Palos Hills) 3. Washtenaw Ave. between Hirsch & LeMoyne Aves. 4. Oakton St. & Long St. (Skokie) 2/40 1. Palmer St. & Kilpatrick Ave. 2. Wabash Ave. & 110th St. 3. Between 64th & 65th Sts. on Talman Ave. 4. Michigan Ave. between 16th & 18th Sts. 2/41 1. Dead end of Jeffrey Dr. (Addison) 2. Chicago Rd. & Clark St. (Evanston) 3. Lake Michigan at 400 North 4. 83rd Pl. between Menard & Major Aves. (Burbank) 2/42 1. O'Hare Airport 2. Butterfield Rd. & Rice Ave. (Bellwood) 3. Iowa St. & Karlov Ave. 4. Ashland Ave. Railroad Yard 2/43 1. Plymouth St. & 3rd Ave. (Villa Park) 2. Area between Will-Cook Rd., Wolf Rd., 139th & 143rd Sts. (Orland Park) 3. Church St. & Hartrey Ave. (Evanston) 4. Lake Michigan at Kenilworth 2/44 1. Belaire Dr. & St. Mary's Parkway (Buffalo Grove) 2. Bloomingdale Ave. & Rockwell Ave. 3. Melrose Park Railroad Yard (Melrose Park) 4. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 2/45 1. Washington St. between. 57th & 59th Sts. (Hinsdale) 2. 75th St. Railway Yard (Bridgeview) 3. Comiskey Park 4. Derrough Ave. between Belmont & Behrns (Leyden Twp.) 2/46 1. Shakespeare Ave. & Kostner Ave. 2. Area east of Edgewood Country Club, south of LaGrange Rd. (Hodgkins) 3. Clay hole east of Ashland Ave. between Jackson and 138th Sts. (Riverdale) 4. 26th St. & Kenilworth Ave. (Berwyn) 2/47 1. Glenview Rd. & Westmoreland Dr. (Wilmette) 2. Concordia Cemetery (Forest Park) 3. 24th St. & Sherwood Ave. (Westchester) 4. Old Country Lane (Hickory Hills) 2/48 1. Avenue K and 133rd St. 2. 57th St. & Leavitt St. 3. Michigan Ave. & 71st St. 4. Forest Ave. & Walnut St. (Justice) 2/49 1. Canfield Ave. & Gregory St. 2. East of dead end of Kathy Ct. (Palos Hills) 3. North Side Water Filtration Plant 4. Forest Preserve west of Horsecollar Slough 2/50 1. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 2. Blackhawk Rd. between Riverside & Delaplane Aves. (Riverside) 3. Lake Michigan off Northwestern University (Evanston) 4. Lake Michigan at North Erie St. 2/51 1. Skokie River in Forest Preserve 2. Nashville Ave. & Wabansia Ave. 3. Forest Preserve near Nazareth Academy (LaGrange Park) 4. 105th St. & La Porte Ave. (Oak Lawn) 2/52 1. Central Park Ave. between 105th & 107th Sts. 2. 18th St. & Miller St. 3.Division St. & Monticello Ave. 4. 21st. St. at Penn Central Railway 2/53 1. Forest Preserve in Riverdale 2. 51st St. and Long Ave. 3. Lake Michigan at Kenilworth 4. Forest Preserve between Salt Creek, Ogden Ave., Wolf Rd. & Nazareth Academy (Western Springs) 2/54 1. Forest Preserve near Hasse Lake 2. 58th St. & Francisco Ave. 3. Southwest Sewage Treatment Works (Stickney) 4. Roosevelt Road & 1st Ave. (Maywood) 2/55 1. 109th St. & Komensky Av. (Oak Lawn) 2. LaGrange Road between Harding & Oak Aves. (Lagrange Park) 3. 14th St. & Clinton Ave. 4. Maywood Sportsman Club (Elmhurst) 2/56 1. Lake Michigan at 5200 North 2. Narragansett Ave. & Wrightwood Ave. 3. Tampier Slough 4. North of Anthony Trail at Edens Spur of Tri-State Tollway 2/57 1. Orchard Rd. & Belmont St. (Arlington Heights) 2. Diversey Ave. between Paulina and Wolcott Aves. 3. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 4. Lake Michigan at Glencoe 2/58 1. Lake Michigan 2. 9th Ave. between Oak St. & St. Charles Rd. (Maywood) 3. Central Ave. between Maple & Chestnut Sts. (Western Springs) 4. Triangle of 55th St., East Ave., Joliet Rd. (McCook) Field recordings by Robert Pleshar and Robert Anderson made between July 21, 2001 and April 1, 2003 using a Sony mini-disc recorder. Mixing and editing by Robert Pleshar, February - April 2003. ""Music is Everywhere, we just have to look for it." - John Cage |