
Avant-garde in Belgium (1917-1978)


  1. James Ensor : 'Discours prononcé à l'occasion de son exposition rétrospective au Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles en 1929'
  2. Pierre Bourgeois : 'Clément Pansaers, 1919, les roses rouges'
  3. Albert Lepage : 'Clément Pansaers, au Diable au corps (rue aux choux)'
  4. Pascal Pia : 'Clément Pansaers et James Joyce'
  5. Louis Aragon : 'Je pense à Clément Pansaers'
  6. Philippe Soupault : 'Clément Pansaers à Paris'
  7. Paul Neuhuys : 'Lettre de Clément Pansaers, l'opposition aux dadaïstes français et l'affaire du portefeuilles'
  8. Clément Pansaers Jr : 'Clément Pansaers, mon père'
  9. Paul Neuhuys : 'Clément Pansaers, les dernières lettres'
  10. Paul Neuhuys : 'La fondation de ça ira!'
  11. Franz Hellens : 'Tous les vents me traversent et Tastament'
  12. Robert Guiette : 'Henri Michaux et Camille Goemans'
  13. Henri Michaux : 'Ecce homo (issu de L'espace du dedans) lu par Gabriel Sèverin'
  14. Marcel Lecomte : 'Vers l'extra-littérature'
  15. André Souris : 'Correspondance'
  16. Marcel Lecomte : '1923'
  17. Marcel Mariën : 'Paul Nougé, l'opposition à André Breton'
  18. André Souris : 'Lettre de Paul Nougé à Andre Breton'
  19. Marcel Mariën : 'Une définition possible de Paul Nougé'
  20. Paul Nougé : 'Correspondance'
  21. Salvador Dali : 'Impressions sur Nougé et Goemans'
  22. Robert Guiette : 'Camille Goemans'
  23. André Souris : 'Camille Goemans, l'homme surréaliste'
  24. Marcel Lecomte : 'Aspects de l'éthique surréaliste'
  25. André Souris : 'L'événement de la salle Mercelis et ce qui s'en suivit'

Including the crazy lecture by James Ensor in 1929, many testimonies around the dadaist Clément Pansaers by his own son but also by Louis Aragon, Philippe Soupault, Pierre Bourgeois, Pascal Pia... Paul Neuhuys speaks about the foundation of ça ira (Henri Michaux' publishers among others), poetry by Franz Hellens, early memories about Henri Michaux and Camille Goemans by Robert Guiette, Gabriel Séverin reads Henri Michaux, all the fuse around the Correspondance Groupe (1924-1926) with Paul Nougé, Camille Goemans, Marcel Lecomte, André Souris, Paul Hooreman direct testimonies of the facts (a parallel movement to the French Surrealism) the opinion of Salvador Dali about them. -- Guy Marc Hinant

  1. Louis Scutenaire : 'L' inimitié, la brouille, l'exclusion'
  2. Marcel Mariën : 'Aspects de l'éthique surréaliste'
  3. René Magritte et Paul Colinet : '48 heures'
  4. Louis Scutenaire : 'De la violence'
  5. ELT Mesens : 'A la base du surréalisme…'
  6. Marcel Mariën : 'Pour un surréalisme apatride'
  7. André Souris : 'Musique, ready made, expérimentation'
  8. Marcel Lecomte : 'La revue Distance et la découverte de Scutenaire'
  9. Louis Scutenaire : 'Mes inscriptions'
  10. ELT Mesens : 'Poème'
  11. Louis Scutenaire : 'De Maranzac, le comte de la Permission, le curé Meslier'
  12. René Magritte : 'Le surréalisme et les questions'
  13. Louis Scutenaire : 'Magritte'
  14. Paul Delvaux : 'Travaux de peinture en 1923'
  15. Constant Malva : 'Un écrivain prolétaire'
  16. Achille Chavée : 'Commentaire sur le groupe Rupture'
  17. Achille Chavée : 'Poème non intitulé (à ma mère)'
  18. Achille Chavée : 'La Brigade internationale'
  19. Fernand Dumont : 'XXV tiré du recueil "A Ciel Ouvert"'
  20. Fernand Dumont : 'La grande Nocturne'

In this second volume you could hear rare documents including the voice of Magritte explaining why it's impossible to answer to the questions of journalists...
Brussels Surrealist Group, 1926
As a nucleus started forming in 1924 around Magritte, Nougé, Lecomte, etc., dissension arose, spawning Correspondance (1924-26) - extensively documented in Volume 1 - and the editorial activities of Magritte and Mesens: the only issue of Oesophage (1925), obviously influenced by Dada (Schwitters was a contributor), and then Marie (1926-27). Distances (1928) will finally bring together all the main forces from Brussels and abroad....
Surrealist territories...
The avant-garde is necessarily stateless, but I must carry on with this classification in order to make it heard. There is an urgency to do so. Things are fading out...
I am limiting myself to a geographical space comprised between France, Germany and The Netherlands, where the main language is French. This region's experiments and discoveries are missing in French and international anthologies. We will have to take care of it ourselves. This essay, believe me, has more to do with an ultimate, almost desperate attempt than with waving the flag of a region or country (in an advanced state of decay anyway). Again, I am aware of the flaws inherent to any such endeavour. But I could not and would not proceed differently. That is simply how it is. -- Guy Marc Hinant.


  1. Achille Chavée – Etant À Tout Jamais Lié De Par Mes Gestes Oubliés 1:57
  2. Achille Chavée – Angoisse 1:53
  3. Achille Chavée – Dictée 1:20
  4. Achille Chavée – Aphorisme Comme Système D'Auto-Défense 0:48
  5. Achille Chavée – Trois Aphorismes 0:26
  6. Pol Bury – De La Peinture À La Sculpture En Mouvement, Interviewer – Georges Charbonnier 11:26
  7. Christian Dotremont – En Laponie, Livre De Bord, Interviewer – Anne-Marie Lafère, 11:10
  8. André Blavier avec Odette Blavier – Ubu Rwè Mètou È Lîdgwès 0:48
  9. André Blavier – Les Fous Littéraires 1:00
  10. Théodore Koenig – Propos Sur Marcel Havrenne 1:51
  11. Marcel Piqueray – L'étrange Histoire Du Grand Chien Saintongeois 3:20
  12. Marcel Mariën – L'entrevue Du 29 Janvier 1973, Interviewer – Paul Hellyn, Pierre Crasson, Voice [In The Background] – Marcel Arnould, Renée Demeester, 7:55
  13. André Balthazar – La Fondation Du Daily-Bul 3:28
  14. André Balthazar – La Langue, Performer [Put Into Sound By] – Gabriel Séverin, 1:20
  15. André Balthazar – Manu Loûrik, Voice [Read By] – Gabriel Séverin, 2:06
  16. Marcel Broodthaers – Apprentissage Et Filation 4:58
  17. Jean-Pierre Verheggen – Monsieur Panurge 0:48
  18. Jean-Pierre Verheggen avec Jacques Bonnafé* – Toutes Les Langues (Ma Langue De Fond) Et Commentaires 9:02

This third volume aural document is devoted to the evolution of Belgian surrealist groups spanning the years 1939-1978, following in the surrealist footsteps that Dada, Pansaers et Correspondance Volume 1 (1917-1926) and Magritte, Le Groupe Surréaliste de Bruxelles, Rupture Volume 2 (1926-1938) established. This third volume gathers rare archival recordings and excerpts from The Groupe Surréaliste du Hainaut, 1939 (with Achille Chavée, Fernand Dumont, Pol Bury, André Simon, Marcel Lefrancq), The Groupe Surréalisme Révolutionnaire, 1948 (with Christian Dotremont, Marcel Broodthaers, Paul Colinet, Achille Chavée), the Revues : Temps Mêlés, 1952 (with André Blavier), Phantomas 1953 (with Marcel Havrenne, Théodore Koenig, Marcel Piqueray), Les Lèvres Nues, 1954 (with Marcel Mariën), Daily Bul 1957 (with André Balthazar, Pol Bury, Marcel Havrenne, Paul Colinet, Marcel Piqueray), and the two outsiders: Marcel Broodthaers and Jean-Pierre Verheggen. The Groupe Surréaliste du Hainaut, first incepted in 1934, was a slow blinding light in Belgium's culture of thought. Seen from the industrial landscapes, and so close to the French borders, it was more accepting of French theories than the surrealists in Brussels. These Walloon Surrealists remained rather faithful to the methods preached by Breton (automatic writing, against which Nougé became strongly opposed to early on). Hennuyer, Magritte, Scutenaire, and Souris all had a similar perspective, but eventually moved to Brussels where that identity clearly demarcated itself in a nationalist move towards establishing the differences in Belgian tradition and identity. This final volume of this compilation series, and the project as a whole, is an urgent attempt to document an important aspect of surrealism that most surely would have disappeared into dusty archives, if not released to the world.

Henri Michaux in UbuWeb Film
Salvador Dalí in UbuWeb Film
Salvador Dalí in UbuWeb Sound
Marcel Broodthaers in UbuWeb Sound
Marcel Broodthaers in UbuWeb Film
Philippe Soupault in UbuWeb Sound