Hobbs, Bryars, Adams
Ensemble Pieces
- Christopher Hobbs - Aran (3:50)
- John Adams - American Standard: I. John Philip Sousa (4:18)
- John Adams - American Standard: II. Christian Zeal and Activity (11:38)
- John Adams - American Standard: III. Sentimental (2:39)
- Christopher Hobbs - McCrimmon Will Never Return (9:20)
- Gavin Bryars - 1, 2, 1-2-3-4 (14:51)
Tracks 2-4 from a live performance by The New Music Ensemble of The San Francisco Conservatory of Music at the Museum of Art on March 23rd 1973.

69 - Hobbs, Adams, Bryars - Ensemble Pieces - 1975 - Obscure OBS 2
This recording is part of the Wolf Fifth Archive
This UbuWeb resource is edited by Justin Lacko.