
Various Artists

Computer Music (1970)

  1. J. K. Randall - Quartets in Pairs (1:28)
  2. J. K. Randall - Quartersines (1:56)
  3. J. K. Randall - Mudgett: monologues by a mass murderer: A. Electronic Prelude (3:09)
  4. J. K. Randall - Mudgett: monologues by a mass murderer: B. Toronto (7:03)
  5. Barry Vercoe - Synthesism (4:39)
  6. Charles Dodge - Changes (15:47)

    Works by Three Composers Realized in the Computer Centers of Columbia and Princeton Universities.

    Cover Art based on Computer Printout Pictures of Waveforms Stored for the Computer Performance of 'Changes'

    43 - Randall, Vercoe, Dodge - Computer Music - 1970 - Nonesuch H-71245

This recording is part of the Wolf Fifth Archive
This UbuWeb resource is edited by Justin Lacko.