Rainer Riehn - Chants de Maldoror (26:47)
Part of the six LP box: Avantgarde Vol. 2 (1969), & available separately with different catalog# 137 011.
Each record had an individual cover and was available independent of the box.
Terminus II composed 1966/67, Funktion Grün composed 1967,
Phonothese composed 1966 & Chants de Maldoror composed 1965-69.
Realisiert von den Komponisten im Instituut voor Sonologie van de Rijksuniversiteit te
Utrecht Studio voor Elektronische Muziek (Leitung des Instituts: Gottfried Michael Koenig)

42 - Koenig, Pongrácz & Riehn - Terminus II, Funktion Grün, Phonothese, Chants De Maldoror - 1968 - DGG 643 545