Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten
June 2012
Selected by Nick Zedd

1. Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle
2. Ant Farm - Media Burn
3. Ulrike Meinhof - Bambule (film)
4. Jon Moritsugu - Mommy, Mommy, Where's My Brain?
5. Robert Clampett - Russian Rhapsody
6. Jean Genet - Un Chant d'Amour
7. Kenneth Anger - Invocation of My Demon Brother
8. Buckminster Fuller - Interview on "Into the 21st Century
9. Marcel Duchamp - Jeu d'échecs avec Marcel Duchamp
10. Terrence McKenna - Riding Range with Marshall McLuhan | Marshall McLuhan's UbuWeb Sound Page

Nick Zedd is a filmmaker and theorist of The Cinema of Transgression.