Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten
July 2016
Selected by Wave Farm (Galen Joseph-Hunter and Emily Zimmerman)

1. Velimir Khlebnikov-The Radio of the Future (1921/2006)
2. John Cage and Morton Feldman-Radio Happenings I (1967)
3. Max Neuhaus-Radio Net (1977)
4. Pauline Oliveros-Pathways to Grandmothers (1978)
5. Michael Snow-Short Wavelength (1980)
6. Lawrence Weiner / Peter Gordon-Memories of Stu Irwin (1982)
7. Mike Kelley-The Peristaltic Airwaves (1986)
8. Christof Migone-Breathing Identification (1990)
9. Peggy Ahwesh and Barbara Ess-Radio Guitar (2001)
10. Dylan Nyoukis-Interested In Fashion, Harmonica? (2003)

Galen Joseph-Hunter is the Executive Director of Wave Farm. Founded in 1997, Wave Farm is a non-profit arts organization driven by experimentation with broadcast media and the airwaves. Emily Zimmerman is Associate Curator of Programs at the Henry Art Gallery in Seattle, and serves on Wave Farm’s Board of Directors.