Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten
July 2012
Selected by Bryan Waterman

1. Allen Ginsberg talks to Margaret Mead about the origins of the term Beat | Allen Ginsberg on UbuWeb Sound
2. 32 minutes of Yoko Ono's "Cough Piece" (1963) | Kenneth Goldsmith's Poetry Foundation Fluxus podcast
3. Fluxus Anthology 30th Anniversary Recordings
4. Allan Kaprow, How to Make a Happening LP (1968)
5. John Cage and Morton Feldman, "Radio Happenings I - V"
6. Antonello Branca, dir. What's Happening? (1967)
7. Giorno Poetry Systems / Dial-a-Poem Poet recordings (1972-82)
8. Aspen No. 3 (The Pop Art Issue)
9. The Andy Warhol Tapes narrated by John Giorno
10. Patti Smith early poetry readings & rock shows, 1971-74

Bryan Waterman teaches English at NYU, including courses on New York writing. He is the author of the 33 1/3 book on Televison's Marquee Moon.