Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten
July 2014
Selected by McKenzie Wark

1. The Mekons & Kathy Acker - Pussy King of the Pirates
Made around the time we hung out in New York. The sound of your voice still chills me.

2. Kenneth Anger - Scorpio Rising
Never forget him presenting this at the State Theater in Sydney. Still have my signed copy of Hollywood Babylon.

3. Joseph Cornell - Rose Hobart
Détournement before its time. So beautiful.

4. Maya Deren - A Study In Dance for the Camera
Human and machine movement, timeless meshings. For the one who introduced me to her work.

5. Madeleine Gins - What The President Will Say and Do
Tracked this down around the time of Arakawa+Gins show at Guggenheim Soho, which was a revelation

6. Jean Genet - Un Chant d’Amour
Masterpiece of queer lust and love.

7. Tracey Moffatt - Night Cries: A Rural Tragedy
Reclaiming the Aboriginal image.

8. Valerie Solanas - Scum Manifesto
Cyberfeminism ahead of its time.

9. Sun Ra - Space is the Place
You have to fast-forward to the moments of beauty, but its worth it.

10. René Viénet - Girls of Kamare
More visceral and passionate than Debord's détournement. 

McKenzie Wark is the author of Gamer Theory, The Beach Beneath the Street and various other things. He teaches at The New School.