Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten:
March 2008

Selected by Stephanie Strickland

1. Maya Deren, "Divine Horsemen"
2. "Concrete!" Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive
3. Jason Nelson, "Poetry Cube"
4. b. p. Nichol, "White Text Sure"
5. Yoko Ono, "Snow Is Falling All the Time"
6. Dick Higgins, "Horizons" [PDF
7. Ketjak: the Ramayana Monkey Chant
8. "Concrete Poetry: A World View" Mary Ellen Solt
9. Raphael Rubinstein, "Gathered, not Made: A Brief History of Appropriative Writing"
10. Kenneth Goldsmith and Conceptual Poetics

11. Glossolalia: Speaking in Tongues
12. Caroline Bergvall, "About Face"

Stephanie Strickland is a poet. Her latest collaborative hypermedia work is slippingglimpse first shown at e-Poetry 2007 in Paris and published in hyperrhiz: new media cultures. Her latest book, Zone : Zero (with digital poetry CD) will appear from Ahsahta Press in fall 2008. She recently published "Quantum Poetics: Six Thoughts, in Media Poetry: An International Anthology," edited by Eduardo Kac, co-edited The Iowa Review Web issue, Multi-Modal Coding: Jason Nelson, Donna Leishman, and Electronic Writing, and also co-edited the first Electronic Literature Collection, published by the Electronic Literature Organization.