Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten:
August 2008

Selected by Ben Rubin

1. Erik Saite - A Day in the Life of a Musician
2. Richard Leacock - For an Uncontrolled Cinema
3. William S. Burroughs - The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin
4. Claude Cloksy - The first thousand numbers classified in alphabetical order
5. Robert Smithson - A Heap of Language
6. Vito Acconci - RE
7. Marshall McLuhan - The Medium is the Massage, Side A , Side B
8. Raphael Rubinstein - A Brief History of Appropriative Writing
9. Marjorie Perloff - The Music of Verbal Space
10. Steve Reich - Pendulum Music (score)

Ben Rubin is a media artist based in New York City. He has been a frequent collaborator with artists and performers including Laurie Anderson, Diller+Scofidio, Ann Hamilton, Arto Lindsay, Steve Reich, and Beryl Korot.