Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten
March 2016
Selected by Shahryar Nashat

1. Guillaume Apollinaire - Le pont Mirabeau (Apollinaire on UbuWeb Sound)
2. Fernand Léger - Ballet Mécanique
3. Eleanor Antin - From the Archives of Modern Art
4. Artavazd Peleshian - The Seasons of the Year
5. Jacques Demy - Les Horizons Morts
6. Jean Genet - Un Chant d'Amour
7. Agnes Varda - Plaisir d'amour en Iran
8. Francis Stark - My Best Thing
9. Mark Leckey - GreenScreenRefrigeratorAction
10. Marcel Broodthaers - La pipe Satire

Shahryar Nashat is a visual artist. He lives in Berlin.