Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten:
Summer 2007

Selected by Wayne Koestenbaum

1. Robert Desnos, "Description of a Dream" (MP3, 1938)
2. Adolf Wolfli, "Gelesen und vertont" (specifically either Der Fluch (MP3) or the Trauermarsch 599 Lied (MP3) [1978])
3. Ketjak, the Ramayana Monkey Chant (MP3, in Ethnopoetics Soundings)
4. John Cage and Morton Feldman in Conversation (1967)
5. Dieter Roth, "Berliner Dichterworkshop" (1973)
6. Carolee Schneemann, "Fuses" (film)
7. Mauricio Kagel, "Ludwig Van..." (film)
8. Jack Goldstein, "MGM" and "The Knife" (films)
9. Antonin Artaud, "Pour finir avec le jugement de dieu"
10. Severo Sarduy, "Big Bang"
BONUS: Joseph Cornell, "Rose Hobart"

Wayne Koestenbaum has published five books of poetry: Best-Selling Jewish Porn Films, Model Homes, The Milk of Inquiry, Rhapsodies of a Repeat Offender, and Ode to Anna Moffo and Other Poems. He has also published a novel, Moira Orfei in Aigues-Mortes, and five books of nonfiction: Andy Warhol, Cleavage, Jackie Under My Skin, The Queen's Throat (a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist), and Double Talk. He wrote the libretto for Michael Daugherty's opera, Jackie O. Koestenbaum's new book, Hotel Theory, will be published in June 2007. He is a Distinguished Professor of English at the CUNY Graduate Center, and currently also a Visiting Professor in the painting department of the Yale School of Art.