Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Twenty
August 2012
Selected by Jesse Darling & Belinda Blignaut

1. Martin Kippenberger covers Joseph Beuys' Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee (for grown-ups) | Martin Kippenberger on UbuWeb Sound
2. Stanya Kahn's It's Cool, I'm Good
3. Michael Nyman's Decay Music
4. Survival Research Laboratories: 10 Years of Robotic Mayhe
5. Wolf Vostell's Sun in Your Head (Television Decollage)
6. Ryan Trecartin's script for K-Corea [PDF]
7. A compilation of Gutai: Japanese Performance Art 1956-70
8. Alan Kaprow's Untitled Essay & Other Works [PDF]
9. Bas Jan Ader's Selected Works
10. Michel de Certeau's The Practice of Everyday Life
11. Assorted Street Posters #Outsiders
12. Art & Language with Red Krayola: Nine Gross and Conspicuous Errors (1976)
13. Guy Ben-Ner: Stealing Beauty (2007)
14. Seth Price's Go Home/Stay at Home [PDF]
15. Chris Marker: Junkopia
16. Jodi: My Desktop OS X 10.4.7 (2007)
18. Shaker Visual Poetry: Gift Drawings & Gift Songs
19. Stephen Prina: Vinyl II (2007)
20. Lynda Benglis: Female Sensibility (1974)

Jesse Darling [LDN/NYC] works in digital media, installation, intervention, text and video, "dasein by design", and the spaces in which performance becomes unmediated experience. She has performed, published, collaborated and exhibited internationally. Belinda Blignaut is a South African artist, living and working near Cape Town.