Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten:
December 2008

Selected by Julian Cowley

1. Robert Ashley - Music with Roots in the Aether
2. Joe Jones/ Chicken to Kitchen Fluxus Meditation from Fluxsaints (1992)
3. Robert Wilson - Christopher Knowles The Sundance Kid Is Beautiful (1975) from Giorno Poetry Systems, Big Ego
4. Wolf Vostell - De/Collage [LP] (1980)
5. John Cage and Raahsan Roland Kirk - Sound?? (1966)
6. Nicholas Moore, Spleen (Ubu Editions, 2004)
7. Pina Bausch Documentary (directed by Anne Linsel) (2006)
8. David Behrman, Long Throw (Roulette, 2008)
9. Derek Bailey, Interview by Henry Kaiser (1987)
10. Vito Acconci, The Bristol Project (2001)

Julian Cowley contributes regularly to The Wire and occasionally to other music magazines. He has also lectured and written extensively on literature. During the 1980s he had the good fortune to work closely for several years with poet and critic Eric Mottram, whose inexhaustible conversation was, in effect, a foretaste of the UbuWeb experience.