Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten:
August 2010

Selected by Mathieu Copeland

An exhibition of the word(s)

A. Dziga Vertov Group - Letter to Jane
B. Michael Snow - So this is
C. Franck Leibovici - 9+11 [PDF]
D. Karl Holmqvist - Rockland
E. Meredith Monk - As if it came from an oral tradition from Chicago '82: A Dip in the Lake
F. James Lee Byars - Pronounce perfect until it appears, 1979, 0'03" from Happy New Ear
G. Salvador Dali - La Méthode Paranoïaque Critique from Je Suis Fou De Dalí!
H. Gilbert and George - Ten Commandments for Gilbert and George
I. Keren Cytter - Der Spiegel
J. Bob Cobbing - Performing Concrete Poetry [here] and [here]
K. Erica Baum - Body Language [PDF] (Erica Baum on Ubu)
L. Bern Porter - The Last Acts of St. Fuck You [PDF] (Bern Porter on Ubu)

Mathieu Copeland is a curator who seeks to subvert the traditional role of exhibitions and to renew our perceptions. More on