Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Fifteen
May 2014
Selected by Heman Chong

1. A Day in the Life of a Musician - Erik Satie
2. Olivier Assayas - Sans titre AKA Man Yuk: A Portrait of Maggie Cheung (1997)
3. Theodor Adorno -- "Punctuation Marks" (1956) [PDF]
4. Hito Steyerl - November (2004)
5. Susan Sontag - The Aesthetics of Silence
6. Annika Eriksson - Staff at Moderna Museet (2000)
7. John Baldessari - Six Colorful Tales: From the Emotional Spectrum (Women) (1977)
8. Spike Jonze - Weapon of Choice
9. Pina Bausch - Kontakthof mit Senioren ab "65" (2000)
10. Dora García - The Deviant Majority from Basaglia to Brazil (2010)
11. Philip K. Dick Interview
12. Profile Of A Writer: Borges (documentary film)
13. Paul Pfeiffer - John 3:16
14. Joan Jonas - Vertical Roll (1972)
15. Samuel Beckett - Not I (1973)

Heman Chong is an artist, curator and writer.